The Poor Wise Man: Understanding God's Rewards System
The way we interpret scriptures speaks volumes about us. We have literally blamed Lazarus for being poor and eulogizised the rich man for keeping his superiority complex as he spake to father Abraham even in hell where he is, as if his riches and superiority mentality were the reasons the parable was said or as if his 'success' attitudes got him a better deal than what whatever mentality Lazarus had or didn't have got him.
But that only showed what people put premium on. The veil covered the eyes from seeing that it's better in the long eternal run to be a Lazarus than to the rich man... when we clap for such revelations what we say is that we mind earthly things more than we mind eternal things...the result of such turning things upside down is not farfetched in our perverted world today.
We have heard also how God had ceased from helping man locate wives since Adam accused the wife God gave him to be the culprit in the saga of the eating of the forbidden fruit, thereby indirectly implicating God. They have said, since then, God has said whosoever finds a wife finds a good thing....interpreted as meaning, you should find independently of God and God will then give favor. That's instead of the simple meaning offered which is finding a God ordained wife as a favor from God.
Since that interpretation entered into the pool of new revelations we have seen what happened to the rate of success in marriage since then even among God's people.
There are many other 'fresh revelations' that has plunged many into hurtful life experiences.
It was just yesterday a man of God brought out the issue of the son of the prophet in the days of Elisha who died with debts and his children were about to be taken by creditors into slavery. We have judged that man as a failure until I learnt from the man of God who showed us he left enough quantity of oil to be multiplied to pay up the debt. He showed us how Jesus, our Lord too had left us the oil of the Holy Spirit that's being multiplied to the blessing of the world today!
The discussion drifted into another issue in Ecclesiastes 9. The poor wise man who delivered a city from an invading king but was not remembered. That man has been used to illustrate how poverty deprives you of rewards.
Many have developed a warped view of God's faithfulness to rewarding His 'poor wise men' through that interpretation.
Does God reward only the rich wise servants? Does He forget those none influential messengers of His in favor of the big boys in the vineyard? Does He rate the voice of a messenger less than others?
God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. He is no respecter of persons, He accepts no man's person. Every man anywhere who fears Him and obeys Him is accepted of Him. God does not forget any man's labor of love.
The poor wise man is remembered till date. Lazarus is remembered till date, and everywhere the gospel is preached the woman who poured oil on the feet of Jesus would be reremembered.
In Mark 10, Peter asked our Lord Jesus what would be the rewards of them who had left all to follow Him...the answer was mind blowing! Spanning from earthly things to eternal things.
The issue is that God doesn't pay every month end. We may have to wait and wait almost unending almost to despair. But He has said in John 4 that he who reaps receives wages.
1Every obedience is recorded, every commitment is noted. Every message preached is noted, every administration of spiritual or physical service is recorded! And each has its reward.
Why? Because God isn't UNRIGHTEOUS to forget our work and labour of love. Hebrews 6. Meaning the reward system is tied to God's righteousness. If He fails to reward or forgets, then He becomes unrighteous and that is outrightly impossible! He will never forget!
The problem is that we look to man for recognition and reward and not to God. Yes, man is mostly the end receiver of our God inspired labor. Man gets blessed of our preaching and other spiritual efforts, man enjoys the gift of God in our lives and our commercial mentality tells us they should pay us. We see the honorarium as the payment and reward for our ministrations...and when we do, it is recorded as our reward.
God rewards! If He seems late, don't worry, keep investing, keep at it. The poor wise man may be forgotten by man but God will never forget!
Someday, the harvest will turn from mercy drops into showers of blessing!
You may have been working and it may seem no one is seeing it or cares, don't worry, your reward is sure! You are not forgotten!
Good morning!
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