Thursday, 19 December 2013

Thoughts of the Mind

Thoughts of the Mind. I thought about the mind today. I realise my mind is never blank. There are no empty heads, everyone's mind is loaded with lots. I take a look around, I see things that has filled our world, I see the creations of man to make the world better. The development I see streaming from the mind of man. I remember the blessing in Genesis, replenish the earth and subdue it, it wasn't a command, but a blessing and an impartation to make a difference. I see how much man has conquered in this his habitat not by his brawn but his brain. I realise that the brain is the womb of development and increase comes from a brain that is empowered. Jesus said there are treasures laid up in the heart and from there good and bad things are drawn out. I am the first product of my mind and then my world, made of all the products of my productivity. My transformation is a possibility to the extent to which my mind permits. I must make my mind receptive and responsive to development and so make my world better for it. The preacher said counsel in the heart of man is like a deep well and only men of understanding draws them out. In my heart is laid up great counsels, and I need understanding to bring them out. I need to apply my heart and thinking to understanding, if I must pull out solutions and applications from thence. I must not engage my thoughts with time wasting frivolities and trivialities but higher thoughts that can bring development into my world and make the world easier and better to live. That's why Jesus called the mind a chest of treasures. It is a gold mine and a terrible thing to lose. From there innovations flow and so it has been designed to function and operate, it is the greatest computer ever built, I call it so for want of words for adequate description. What the world is yet to see is locked up somewhere there and the solutions to whatever incurable or threat to man on the planet has an answer deep down there, there the power to conquer the physical realm lies and the attendant laws are mere tools to make things happen. There discoveries are fossilized kept till the times appointed. What prophecies saw are wrought to be seen by the operations of the mind of man, and as powerful as the spirit of man is, it takes the renewing of the mind to attain the transformation the Spirit promised. What my spirit knows about me only comes to pass in me when my mind is inclined. I now see that in this universe the mind is the gateway to the realm of the spirit and when the mind is blocked and encumbered, inspirations from the higher realm can't find its way to the world. So I free my mind. I set my mind free to harness its potential and open me up to my destiny. I feed my mind with thoughts of good, and dispel off the pollutants that create evil and destroys. I mould my mind to positive modification and edification. The mental metabolism must tend to anabolism and not to catabolism. I must make the mind produce what is good and beneficial and not permit the thoughts of hate and destruction. From the mind came the nuclear energy that lights up the world and from there too came the nuclear bombs. The mind makes sense of the creations of God and is authorized to consequently use it to solve man's problems. The mind that sees another man as his problem will device ways to solve the other man representing the problem. There are devices in the mind of men. What feeds the mind? I see that my mind is fed by my environment and its content. My senses being the ways in. Other minds had supplied the materials from the mind of God to the societal mental pull. Education spoonfeeds my mind as I expose it to whatever kind and forms of it. Education is fed by the curriculum gleaned from the thoughts and the sense made of what is. All is about mental exchanges. My mind is inspired by other minds and is made to produce sometimes better that where it ate from and the betterment is seen in civilization and its growth. What the Wright brothers released triggered the minds of others so inclined and so exposed to activation and within a decade man was flying into space. The preacher said, He that walks with the wise shall be wise but the companion of fools shall be destroyed. So I will expose my mind to higher thoughts for my preservation and development and not to lower thoughts that destroy. Fools die. The thoughts of what to eat and drink, what to wear and drive, where to live and be seen all weigh down the mind and Jesus said no to those thoughts. I will set my mind on things above where Christ is seated I will focus on the coming kingdom and how life will be better for someone in the present. Such thoughts trigger the mind to birth development and innovations that move the world forward. What to eat is cheap and what to wear will always come and what do I do after those needs are met? But when I engage my mind to higher thoughts, to make some tasks easier for mankind and let man have better understanding of himself, then the hoe becomes the tractor, and the bicycle becomes a car. A good man had brought out something good from the treasure of his heart according to the prophecy of Christ. But when we don't care for love and betterment and we concentrate on selling off weak and conquered folks we are proccupied with superstitions bothering on hate and thoughts remain at the border of the mundane stunting possible development. The pride of the brawn takes the lead against the brain and the blind leads both to the ditch. The body sees for the brain but its in the brain that the bulb is lit, there ideas are born that burns for the wheel of the world to turn. With truth discovered by the inquisitive mind, and understanding lighting up the dark regions, the problems of life are confronted squarely and their invincibility conquered, the devastation of the mind against the mountains of the world has no restrictions and the mind when adequately developed can accomplish almost anything in the universe. So tuberculosis bowed to the mind of man and so was the threat of small pox quenched, the incurables that raged above the law, put to shame. Now the deaf hears because the barriers are broken cos the mind unraveled the waves hidden of God beyond the eyes and webbed together the world in its network and made the world a global village even reaching to the stars. To the glory of God He conceals things and in the honor of kings they sre searched out. My searching and proding mind makes a king of me. Does my mind make me God? No, it only makes me to understand Him and to till and keep the garden and the ground upon which He has created me as I ought to. I will keep my mind with all diligence afterall from there comes out the issues of life. I see someday the rage of the heavy winds conquered and the things we call incurables bow as usual, I see someday things erroneously called the acts of God will submit to the authority of the mind in his universe so long the world has been put under his feet or is it under his mind? When the mind has been made to see its own power and authority and has been made subject to God its maker and His laws, what has been most difficult for man to conquer will then finally submit, and the harmony between man and his maker complete and then a new heaven and a new earth will emerge in which dwells righteousness. What is yet to be conquered by man is man himself and then peace can reign on the earth through the harmony between God and His man. I intended to bring light I hope it shined to your mind. Renew and empower the mind and transformation will come to light. Good morning! Visit and and don't forget to keep sharing with friends!

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