Monday, 16 December 2013
I Have a Reason
I Have a Reason.
I woke up today with heavy issues on my mind and for multitudes of reasons I didn't write. I'm sure to get my time engaged with some other things and be preoccupied with vanity. I didn't want to write after all how much do I make from it, I can always make money somewhere else. I didn't want to write because the issues on my mind weigh too heavily on my mind and hand to raise the hand. I didn't want to writs because I'm not even sure if anyone is seeing or reading it. I didn't want to write because I might offend someone with my daily tirades and get a bad name for expressing my convictions. I didn't want to write because I got offended even when the one who got me offended doesn't even know I took the offer and went on enjoying himself wherever such is. I didn't want to write because I'm tired having expended my energy in busyness outside the call. I didn't want to write because a bad comment was passed on the one I wrote in times past, I didn't want to write because it's not just convenient, I didn't want to write because the economy is bad and everything isn't working and on and on I can reel out reasons genuine reasons why I should not do what I am wired to do. And many of those reasons are pure and genuine but no reasons are genuine enough to produce anything. They only rob us of the parturitions nature demand us to deliver from He who made us. Reasons aren't just strong enough. Excuses don't attend meetings, excuses and reasons are the twins of legitimate irresponsibility, non committal and lack of productivity. They make our unfruitfulness acceptable to accountability yet the space they create nothing else can fill. If I didn't go to school for all the most genuine reasons on earth I am deprived of what is learnt and the skills acquired by those who went. If I refused to get married for the best of reasons, whatever marriage was designed to bring to life. I may have reasons not to go to church and those reasons may be understandable but whatever God ordained that meeting to bring into lives won't get to the absentees. The spirit mostly will be willing it is the flesh that weighs down through weakness. Jesus who said it never made it an excuse to run away from purpose and he didn't tell us that so that we can avoid maximizing our potentials and productivity, instead of it working against us we are responsible for making it work for us. So pull of the blanket and get out of the mood that stops you, pick up your tool and head to the place of productivity, let not your hand be slack. Go into labour and give birth to favour. Since when a brand said 'just do it' lots have been getting the incredible done excellently barring all genuine excuses and reasons not to do. Failure has been an excuse to many when it might as well be the reason to actually wake up to succeed. Success too have been a reason for mediocrity when it actually should be a stepping stone to greatness. Success is one thing and greatness is another. My mood and emotion may be reasons to slack if I don't replace my depression with excitement and zeal, it takes the zeal and the zest of the Lord to perfom. Grace responds to availability if you are not on stage performance is zero and until you hit the housetops declaration is a waste. What will you do with an unction with dysfunction. Yet it takes excitement to kill tiredness and to move on to do great things. Money to make is a motivation, significance and acceptability are too but nothing inspires as the joy of bringing purposes to birth. That joy would defy the cross and despise the shame to wear the crown. I won't wait to birth purpose just because it looks unmarketable, because eventually nothing sells as purpose whose time has come. So then, the excuse to do and perform is greater than all the excuses not to do, after its done then the investor can see its good. If I let lower excuses stop me from doing high things, what would I do to cover for the difference?
The Bible became a best seller though the writers didn't have its marketability in mind otherwise that would have been a good reason not to write. Paul for one had reasons not to put down a jot afterall he was in brutal prisons yet the stocks couldn't hold back his hands writing sometimes big letters with his own hands. I won't let an excuse rob me.of my delivery no excuse has ever written a dot. Only a few may read today and none may even comment but they are leaves of life on the wings of immortality to speak to the ears of millions yet unborn in generations only forseen. When professors and learned men and women would analyse to expose thoughts inbetween these lines. Today though unborn I see them listening all around me just as we read the letters of old, so from the prisons of deterrent excuses I despise the shackles to feed the ears atuned to my speech, so the these voice can ring through eternity as long as Christ would tarry. If all I do is exchange my living for money without giving birth to legacy I waste life, for I'll eat and drink and die tomorrow under an ideology so careless. But if though none pays today and I despise the non patronage to replenish the earth with the purpose I was made to deliver and good works is released then I live a good life which shall be remembered for long and be paid for at the judgment seat of Christ incomparable to any rewards that it may have generated on the planet. My immortality lives in the things I birth today any excuse not to produce is death. I must waste no time on the ephemeral and invest only necessary little in the temporal, my mind must refocus on the eternal and when I look at the stripes I give birth to those with stripes to my increase. What people do, say or think may become mountains between me and productivity but that depends on me if I put my mind on it. Their hurts are meant to discourage I must not be fooled by the antics of Sanballat, the Horonite and Tobiah his ammoritish servant who would go any length to stop Nehemiah. If I concentrate on them my purpose would disintegrate their snares I won't step. So I am on the go, I pick up my feather dipped in the bottle of incre dye and pour out of my mind what the inspiration of the almighty have woken my ear to ear. What can I do which I haven't done being shacked with excuses and reason? Let higher reason break in to the darkness with its light and shatter the shackes to my freedom to press on to the higher calling of God in Christ to your benefit. The world waits for the manifestation of the son of God in me and no reason is is good or genuine enough to deter. I wake to live out my full potentials and make a.difference in a world being refilled according to divine mandate in Adam. I an awake...are you? Just do it...with all the excuses, just go on do it because you have a reason to do it and not to stop! Will ya? Good morning!
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