Monday, 9 December 2013

The Fear of Judgment

I fear judgments. Especially those in human courts. And worse still those within the confines of the wicked sanctuary of the human heart. Where you have no defense attorneys to plead your case. Where the judge, the prosecutors and witnesses are same. Where you wouldn't be given the stands to at least be cross examined so that you can say your side of the story and that is if there is any story at all in the first place. Where the charges are the interplay of the wicked imaginations of a man and the concussions of various assumptions giving birth to callous children of suspicions. When Jesus says judge not, it was from depths of knowledge of the operations of the cursed courts of the human heart. These are the thoughts I woke up with this morning. Over and over it has amazed me how a man could sit anywhere to judge another man. Yet it is necessary in a society where wickedness and evil have become inevitable subsequence of human existence. There must be jurisprudence, a system where the wrong is separated from the right and adequately compensated. But those who sit at judgment must be men above board because they play God.
But how we love to judge and condemn while we exonerate self. I wonder why someone can be so bold to bring up charges against another merely for being offended without finding out first what was behind the actions. I have seen people threading up reasons why another had put up certain actions without consulting such. Man would judge others without adequate knowledge of associated trends. Judgment can never be just if not based on the knowledge of the truth. Oh and I know what nature the truth is, in human society, it's not always that obvious. And lies will bring nothing outside injustice yet more abundant and common. The truth with the strength of justice is despised, and the lazy mind that cannot take on the stress of seeking it rushes to judgment representing the truth with assumptions and superstitions created by the imaginations. I see evil in this. Jesus said Judge not. Is that not to judge at all? I doubt. We can tell between good and bad; we should be able to at the least. But judgment without full knowledge based merely on circumstantial occurrences and mundane things  such as the mood and the mien of a person at a given time will produce nothing but error but pride will not hesitate. Knowledge maybe one ingredient of justice and judgment but there are others equally as important. I wonder also how a person without the capacity to be lenient and the ability to show mercy will assume the position of a judge over others. Mercy is underserved and that makes a judge ordinarily ironic in mercy matters for a judge seeks merits and demerits while mercy rejoices against judgment. But no other can exercise authoritative mercy except the judge, mercy must be a prerogative of the judge. If all a judge can do is condemn without the capacity to temper justice with mercy then such a judge has lost a wing out two needed to fly. The balance is tilted before the coming of the weights. The capacity to be merciful makes judgment authentic even when mercy would not be used. But I have seen people passing sentences without mercy even in cases where they have no full knowledge of the truth. To such we must say what Jesus said, Judge not. King Solomon said rightly that the throne is established by justice and judgment while his father demanded justice from the rulers of men. Justice is sacred. Everyone saddled with the responsibility must fear God.
So I have decided that the fear of error in judgment must slow me down in passing sentences on others. The power to condemn must bring awe, and I must be careful of the consequences of my judgments on those whose destinies are attached. Why must I destroy another without good understanding of his motives, how can I ever pass the right judgements based on trial and error? How can I be just when I have no adequate information? Why should I assume I knew whatever a person's motives are for his actions without investigating?  Can't my suspicions be wrong? What is my success rate at guess work? Have I been able to pass an exam with guesswork? These make me to fear judgments not just those passed against me or those passed against others but such as I am capable of passing on others. What is my rate of success in forgiving others who had genuinely offended me? How much mercy do I show?  When I am yet to be above board in such areas how can I assume the office of a judge over others? To me judge not makes sense. I must respect my own margin of error and be careful not to use that margin to destroy another. I must not run a court of law where the accused can not be a defendant, I must let the voice of the accused defend himself and hear such fairly yet arm myself with mercy and seeking for truth. Then I can be a judge. I must play down on my imaginations and so weaken the tongues of suspicions and the thoughts of assumptions.  I must not assume I have the scan to know what's on another's mind when such is quiet nor could I understand the motives behind their actions without finding out. If I do I risk the dread of judgment and abuse my position as judge and risked being so unjustly judged myself because with the measure with which I judge others I too shall be judged. Why should I be a judge over others when I am afraid of judgment myself? Judge not! The benefit of doubt can save me a lot of guilt that error in judgment could bring and so I will employ it. I'll give people the benefit of doubt and be careful of prejudice and save my head. What is even my business with other people's matters when I have my Judge to prepare for at the end. If I must judge then I must do it as one who would be judged himself someday for then all the misjudgment will be judged again and the Judge of all the earth who never does evil will revisit all and then true sentences passed. That day I want to be acquitted of every man's blood. And that hope helps me not to be an agent of the accuser of the brethren, satan. I will let love cover multitudes of sin and keep myself pure and my heart free of offences. My heart is the habitation and the sanctuary of The Holy Spirit and I will not defy the temple turning it to the court of injustice where other people's profiles are rewritten in order to condemn them. Afterall, the accused can't come in there to defend himself so why should I make the place a court where men are judged? I shall not judge He has said Judge not. I pray in the courts of men's hearts where you cannot defend yourself Christ shall be your advocate and your defence counsel to speak for you and bring your accusers to shame. Judge not. Good morning.

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