INFLUENCE I woke up this morning filled with thoughts. I look at what my life represents and the values I cherish the most. I see the power of influence. I see how powerful the phenomenon can be. When I browse through the stories of men and see their rising and falling, the hidden factors that wrote the apparent outcomes, I realise how I must manage the influences I am under and also those I exert. The society of men or maybe of animals too are not exempted from the subjective power of influence. The boldest of men and those who sits on the pyramids of life aren't immune to the power of influence even from the most unexpected. What comes out of me has been influenced no matter how stubborn I may have been. My behavior and attitude are not independent no matter how I thought they were. What influenced my last decision may have been deposited since I was a toddler hiding there waiting for the day it will manifest. It might be a bad comment, an abuse, a misdeed or a disappointment. It may also be a positive action or word, done to me or observed within my environment. It may be a book read and don't jump at calling it the Bible. It doesn't have to be, it may be a movie or a music. Everything I had submitted my pleasure or pain to releases either toxin or medicine, some with immediate response and others waiting for the day that an occasion will pull it out. Even when under the influence of substance the greater influence waiting in the mental regions still overshadows the lesser influence of the drugs. Under the influence of any substance, some will sing and others may cry, some may commit suicide while some others will commit murder. The final outcome of evil substance abuse is influenced by a subliminal factor leading the subject into what is finally done. And so also is whatever good that is done. A smile may mean so many things to different people depending on whats talking to and stalking each from within. So I have decided to manage my influence. I must first of all agree that I can't do without being influenced, and they are most times necessary afterall my education is an influence that improved and empowered my life. It is a phenomenon that is unavoidable. I must then determine those influences I am under already, some may escape the scrutiny but there are some like sore thumbs protruding that I can't miss. So I do the rough inventory and see what and who has pressured me to where I am. I would also decide where I want to go. If anything is going to push me it should be something with a current in the direction of my preferred end and divine purpose not in another direction. I must determine the direction of the pressure under which I must submit and delete those influences that won't take me to my dream. I must sort out who or what are those that will fit into what is necessary to motivate me. Changing influences will change my life and changing influence positively will resonate in positive life change. The power of influence is strong enough to see to it. I realise also that that the power of influence sometimes may sweep one of the feet as a tsunami moving every thing along its path even those standing against it, such influences as a prevailing culture and peer pressure are like a flood ot a mighty rushing wind and salvation would be only be not being expose to such. But that remind me of Lot living at the place of his lust whose righteous soul was grieved at the evil in the land and woyld have been lost with them had his uncle not intercede for his deliverance. So in such instance I will incline my hears to the sayings of the Almighty, come out from the midst of them and be ye separate, touch not the unclean thing and you shall be my child and I shall be your God and Father. I must not permit the multitude to push me into evil. I must properly manage influence and stay out of the path of its destroying power. I must position myself however to the path of the wind of the Spirit of God and of His word. I will submit myself to the ultimate influence in subjection and obedience to His leading. And He will wear me as an expert surgeon wears his gloves to perfom surgical wonders to save lives but not as a criminal wearing gloves to hide is heinous fingerprint! I see again that I am an influence also, I pass on whatever influence I'd subjected myself to on to other people who are within my circle or those afar who are enthralled or impressed in my being. Those I am exposed to knowingly or unknowingly pick things from me and I may know nothing about it. Many won't mind speaking as I do or cloning my mannerisms and that is a great responsibility on my neck which if not properly managed may become a milestone around my neck in an ocean or make me the greatest in the kingdom if well handled. Jesus said anyone who will teach any of his little ones to go contrary will be better off with a rock tied around his neck and thrown into the sea. That I don't want. Bit anyone who teaches and does what is right will be the greatest. That's what I must plan to be. In a world of sharks swimming downstream I must endeavour against all odds to swim against the flow. I must model the best act and so influence people in my circle positively. It will be easy for me if I am already submitted to the influence of God's word and His Spirit. I must watch the things I'm so passionate about, passion lowers the guard of influence. I must watch out against those things that are forcefully trying to influence me. My will must be involved and I must watch against silent motivators for eventially I will pay the most for my actions no matter who has influenced me to do so. The influence might got some kudos or knocks but I bear the most consequences. It is left to me to sift influences and watch against what might pressure me to evil doing no matter how close. The advices, the counselling, the discussions towards the wisdom of the world bothering on selfishness and envy that may inflict pain on the subject are things to avoid. Let no one push you because you are vulnerable but be an example of a believer, a follower of Christ. Let Christ and His life and principle be your ultimate influence and you'll be safe, righteous and wise! Good morning. Share this and you might be influencing a positive change, visit and and let me know you came. It's 2 days to Christmas....and I can say Merry Christmas!
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