Friday, 20 December 2013

The Making of a great Mind

The Making of a Great Mind.
My thoughts on the mind wont leave me, I woke up with it again today and the intricacies of the matter of the mind amaze me. I realise that the malleability of the mind is almost total and the elasticity is almost limitless. I do not speak of any transcedantal operations beyond the place of engaging the mind in thoughts that make man understand his world, subdue it and have dominion over it. I speak of the power of the mind to profer physical solutions to the limitations of the brawn of man. I speak to let us know how wisdom and understanding are better than strength and how by wisdom we should fight our troubles.  I do not speak to put the mind above its Creator, I only speak so that I can use the mind to the extent of its obvious potential. I see the works of the mind, how wonderful they are! But I also see the devastation the mind can do, how children of eternal wrath are born through the conjoining of the mind and the flesh. I see what Jesus said about the mind, the good and the bad treasure that make its owner. A good man is one because of the good things he brings out of his mind and so also the bad man and we are not defiled by the things that come from outside but the things we permit to stay and be born from our hearts. But I have also seen that wickedness and evil lower the quality of the mind, and the heart that brew evil devices will not withstand the heart that seeks to eliminate evil. Evil may deter good but it wont ever conquer, only good overcomes evil. The truth of the heart's sincerity is invincible against lies, nothing can be done against the truth but for the truth. It is the survival of the fittest but the fittest might not be largest in size and so the dinosaurs extinct and the bugs live still. The truth and the heart that permits it are the fittest nothing can ever conquer them. The good and the heart that meditates on it are the ones for the future. Eternity and the coming new creation of the world to come belong to those who are good enough to pass the test of this present generation. The future belongs to those who from the heart bring forth good and not evil, the future belongs to the good. The wickedness of a man's heart may win him some battles but the war is won by good. Love conquers all. The mind won't operate to maximal capacity when it is engaged in devising evil. It is easier and takes less intelligence and intellectualism to destroy than to build. The mind that devices death for another man has no capacity to raise the dead and restore life. This shows me quality of a heart filled with  evil and diabolism. The heart requires lot more concentration to build a car than to destroy a rocket. The mind that produces is higher than the mind that consumes and the minds that waste and abuse the products are even worse. The lazy minds that won't venture to learn how to use products of other minds at all are yet lower though better than those who will learn to use it for evil. My mind must be engaged to do good. Yet my spirit must be regenerated to give direction to my mind, for none can be good except such receives the nature of God lost in Adam and permit the last Adam to give life in the place of death. There good is empowered and is released to guide the mind to do right. Think of what is good and what is true, if such is of good report and breeds excellence, if such will be beneficial to mankind and make life better for someone for such thoughts elevate the mind and make the heart wise. Let no thought of selfishness permeate your mind, make no room for the thoughts that trigger envy and bitter rivalry, think higher thoughts and they will make you better and preserve your life. Men who make good things live eternally in the good they brought forth and as long as the earth remains their memories remain blessed. I should be like that that my words and deeds will remain indelible and go on and on to be a blessing to generations and inspiration to those that shall hereafter drink from the streams. The mind must be orgnised to device good, it may take more efforts but it will grow the heart and restore it to what its Creator installed it for. When evil thoughts come let them be like the birds of the air, they can fly but they don't have to perch nor make a nest on the head. Dwell not on the hurts that defile the heart, rather let love prevail. Let not be overcome with evil but let overcome evil with good. Let the desperate wickedness of the heart be overtaken by desperation to do good. Think no evil, engage the mind towards positive productivity and the heart will respond with great quality to generate wisdom for witty inventions. I will keep laziness far from my heart and my mind shall project beyond cheap selfishness to bless the earth and those who dwell therein. It is the restoration of my soul tuning the mind to the frequencies of heaven to do the will of God on the earth as it is in heaven. This is what makes a great mind, good makes the heart great.Good Morning! Share this! Visit and compliments of the season!

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