Friday, 6 December 2013

Secured in Purpose

Secured in Purpose
I wake up with an overflow of thanksgiving. A few of us had gathered to give God thanks and to minister to him in worship and praise until it turned out a visitation. I give thanks. His faithfulness in supplying daily mercy and grace deserves praise. And the praise overflows. I am grateful because he has been graceful. While the thought flows, other thoughts too swim around. Among them were the thoughts of security and insecurity. I had settled in my heart the issue of the inevitability of the ever present evil, and also the ever present divine deliverance. So the issue of security should have been a non issue really. But I still wonder if the back door was properly locked, I still ask if the tires are in good shape, I still ask if the neighborhood hasn't any night intruders. I think these are not out of place, caution isn't fear but wisdom against carelessness. Being presumptive doesn't make sense. While I thought of that, I sense the insecurity of a more terrible sort, the abstract type, mental insecurity. Every type of insecurity is a child of  a kind of selfishness. The sense of responsibility towards self preservation, protection,  propagation and perpetuation which brings the fear of rejection. Sometimes this sense of personal responsibility may be legit, many other times it's plain foolish coming out of the sense of illegitimate competition and unbelief in personal destiny. I want to be preserved and purpose preserves me and if I be sacrificed for the right cause I live on in the product after and I remain relevant forever and preserved eternally.  The axe is laid at the base of the unfruitful tree while the fruitful receives its pruning for better productivity. But the pile of waste would need a new process for  recycling or outright disposal being useless. There is no security for the useless But what is useless? I see nothing and no one useless. I see purpose in everything and in everyone. The Creator sees to that. The manufacturer goes out of business if his product has no use. The uselessness of the product is loss to the manufacturer and confers irrelevance upon the maker. Every manufacturer is driven by the sense of purpose and relevance, the product being the seed and the messenger to deliver that purpose to the end user. When you see the product you also see purpose even if unrecognised. The product is a messenger to fulfil purpose and as long as the product delivers purpose it is preserved by both the manufacturer and the end user and rejection is out of the question being relevant. So where cometh the sense of insecurity? I have therefore decided to remain, fulfilling reason without harboring any other derailing motive. My motives and my intentions must be to deliver purpose and what my Manufacturer had in mind to give to the world through me. So long I remain delivering, the responsibility of my preservation, propagation and perpetuation remains with him. He will only prune me to keep me fulfilling his purpose and my popularity will never be mine to pursue. The axe will be far from me, I'll become too precious to be decimated. Here is my security and the knowledge of this should keep me internally secured. I have no threat of being outplayed, I have my cause to fulfil, I have my purpose to deliver, I am not in contention, I compete with no one, I am a threat to none. My racecourse is clear and my destination set, the stands and their noise notwithstanding, they are not my prize but to deliver the message as sent. I must be free from the sense and fear of insecurity within. When you make great strides and achieve feats in line with divine purpose my joy is full. You make up for the part I can't do because I wasn't the one made to accomplish that but you. If in diligence I do my part the whole project is complete and all the glory goes to Our Maker not to any of us. Paul must plant and Apollo must water but the increase isn't theirs but the maker and so the glory goes to him afterall he has the power if he wills to also do the planting and the watering by himself... he had only given us the privilege to be vessels of his purposes and that, not out of his weakness. I can see that I am secured in obedience and in the pursuit of His purpose for my creation. I should seek not mine but his. When I go pursuing my own security, personal pleasure and popularity and not the reason for my creation, I stray from the stronghold of my preservation. Ordinarily I must come to terms with the truth that all I could crave for are kept within the call to purpose. I am crafted to deliver purpose well equipped with everything needed to be sustainable and to remain true to purpose even under the extent of opposition and needs and why would I not recognise this. I must also realise that my purpose is never to satisfy myself, the product of my life's purpose isn't for personal usage but for others, so I am sensitive to be sure that whatever purpose I am pursuing isn't just for myself but for those whose lives are sustained by the fruits I bear, no tree eats its own fruits only cannibals do. Here is my security, for he who feeds on my fruits should preserve the tree and He whose pleasure is fueled as the tree gives fruits feeding many will watch over to see the fruit bearing tree unharmed. This is the security of purpose and when I have this I sleep in peace after my daily work for the sleep of a diligent man is sweet, I fear no foe no more. So today and everyday, I close my eyes to distractions and focus on pursuing my purpose with the befitting potentials I'm endowed with ready to bear fruits for those hungry and to do every good work I am empowered to do knowing full well that I am secured in purpose. I ignore every threat, I believe in God. I remember when Jesus was pushed to the cliff to be throwned over, he turned and walked away through the wicked mob, because his time was not yet, he still had purpose to fulfil, he had children to give birth to, he was not empty yet, he must be protected till then but when he said it is finished he gave up the ghost. Purpose preserves me till I am delivered of the pregnancy. The gestation period may be long and the evil that men do may be threatening but purpose preserves until all the children are delivered. I won't be like Jeroboham who out of insecurity created another god for himself apart from the God who enthroned him and so caused his people to sin and earned an eternal evil reputation for himself and his generations. I will live my life free of the sense of threat and insecurity because they that be for me are more than they that are against me, God is on my side, He is for me and I am on his side and so no one can be against me and survive. I live His purpose and He watches over me with innumerable company of His angels, I will be secured in His purpose. Are you unsettled by the I? There's no need if you see that I speak for you. I is you. Be secured in God! Good morning! Visit and let your contacts have this. Thanks for reading!

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