Working on Your Marriage Together
GMI Shagamu Ministers Marriage Conference second session is gathering momentum to begin. 9 am is the time.
We had such a great time last night. God was glorious and awesome as usual. Great sharing time, wonderful prayer time.
We realized that if God were to be marking our accuracy in getting it right particularly in marriage only very few marriages will still be in place.
We realized also that Jesus Christ recognized lots of joinings that aren't under God. For instance in Matthew 19 He said whatever God has joined together let no man put asunder. It means not every marriage is so recognised particularly those not joined by God.
He said further that, anyone who leaves his wife (God joined) except for sexual immorality and marries another commits adultery...meaning the second marriage isn't joined by God. He also said anyone who marries the one put away also commits adultery, meaning that marriage also isn't joined of God.
In John 4, speaking to the woman at the well, Jesus said she had had seven husbands including the one as at then, and that one wasn't her husband...meaning in spite of the then level of morality and the tendency of stoning a woman thought to be in adultery to death according to their laws and the elaborate nature of their wedding ceremonies which usually lasted seven days...the husband wasn't hers according to God.
But not scoring 100% in an exam isn't equal to failure. And if one who scored 20% manages his corrections very well, he can do much better in future. I'm sure God's mercy endures forever and it's of the Lord's mercies that we aren't consumed...
I'm sure God endures lots of mis-joinings through HIS mercy system even if putting asunder is an option.
What most people who didn't get it right need isn't to be put asunder, rather to commit their marriages to God together and to see what God can make of it...
Now, just that a person got it right and God had joined them together by Himself doesn't mean there won't be situations that'll bring the temptations of putting the joining asunder. Otherwise Jesus Christ wouldn't have warned against it.
The example of putting a marriage asunder except for sexual immorality means there are other things that may want to push one to run away or check out of a marriage even if God had joined the two.
What that means is that it's not enough that God has joined the two, the two would need to further work with basic principles of marital relationship to bring out the best which has been embedded in the Marriage being joined of God. Here, divorce isn't an option unlike those God hasn't joined.
God joining means there's a blessing in it. The wine is in the clusters of the joining and the grapes shouldn't be destroyed rather worked upon to bring in the best..
[My Offline Bible] Isaiah 65
8 Thus saith the LORD, As the new wine is found in the cluster, and one saith, Destroy it not; for a blessing is in it: so will I do for my servants' sakes, that I may not destroy them all.
So you may be going through hell in marriage but if God had joined you together, don't destroy it...rather find wisdom through training, be humble enough to be corrected and submit to God's word and ways...that marriage can bring our it's wine and honey again...
In a small survey we did, we realised that the majority wouldn't want joint visit to a counselor. That's not because they don't discuss their marital issues with friends and family members, they do, but they wouldn't want a joint session.
Meaning whenever they discuss their marriages, they do more of backbiting and tell more of the part that favors them looking for emotional support and justification. Such further degenerates the situation and increases tension.
We must be willing to work on our marriages though learning and conscious application of truth.
Either we got it right or we didn't, we can't get the best out of our marital situations without consciously working at it.
And working at it means doing everything possible together to make it work. It is a decision that must be made from day one. It isn't right for just one person to be doing all to make the Marriage work, it takes two to tango.
And whenever a couple agrees to work together to make their marriage work, the probability of success increases to the joy of every stakeholder... The couple and the children, if there are.
Are you willing to work on it? Start now!
Happy Weekend!
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