Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Some thoughts on communication in relationships

Some thoughts on Communication in Relationships

Assumption is one of the three demons of lack of communication between friends, assumption, suspicion and superstition...these three when they are permitted into a relationship are most devastating, they eat up trust and create unnecessary rancour...

Let your conversations with your friends and loved ones be clear, robust, exhaustive and time sensitive... Say what you mean and mean what you say, don't say yes when you mean to say no, don't speak in tongues without interpretation, learn what language your loved one speaks and use that language, don't tell a lie because once it is discovered your words hardly counts anymore, they'll struggle to believe you next time, make time for discussions, concentrate when discussing, note the details and ask for clarifications in case you don't understand, don't leave a conversation without understanding what exactly the message is. Be well aware of none verbal communication, actions speaks louder than voice, so you need to be aware of what your actions are saying, in the court of law you can deny saying so but in real life relationships that matters, you may not be able to say you didn't say so...your body language is clear and influential. What you don't want people to react to don't say, once you have said it expect a reaction even if not verbal. If you have to withdraw your word, retract it, it's OK. Saying I'm sorry, please and thanks takes nothing out of you, it's a sign of strength and not weakness, they are called the law of kindness on the lips of the virtuous. A smile does wonders both to you and your hearers, use it well in communication. Be sensitive to the feelings of others. But where does communication comes from? It's from the heart, out of the abundance of the heart the mind speaks, so fill your heart with love and peace and truth will come out of your mouth with lips of grace...words in season to heal and not to tear apart. The weary can suck from the issues of the rivers of living water coming from your good heart. Soft answer turns away wrath but that comes from a soft heart. Soft is good, it's calming and words can communicate that.

It takes good communication to enjoy great relationships...we know it but only the strong uses it and enjoys the rewards.

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