Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Concerning Financial Management in Marriage

Concerning Financial Management in Marriage

In marriage, who owns or has what is fast becoming a determining factor for joy and happiness in the home. Even those who are yet to marry are already calculating, how money and properties will be managed and if it doesn't favor them, they aren't ready to go on.
And that's even those who are more sincere, others will go into the marriage with hidden agendas while mouthing 'I love you' with readiness to even lay down their bodies before marriage without being ready to lay down their things.
In a world that worships mammon, financial considerations are primary in making both great and small decisions even in marriage. A world that worships mammon is ever upbeat whenever money calls while drudgery when God calls.
It's not new. In the olden days, marriage played important roles in power and wealth acquisition and preservation. People got married to acquire or preserve kingdoms, people married to increase their wealth. Men even married in order to keep women and children on their farms in cultures where women aren't permitted to have anything: in some places till today, wives remain the properties of their husbands and are treated even worse than some choice properties and that in a supposed marriage.

Today again, men's ability to lead the home is fast becoming a function of their ability to provide and protect. He finds his self esteem battered if he isn't as buoyant as the demands and the size of the appetites of the wife and children even when the wife is more opportune financially. To such wives, 'Your money is our money, my money is my money'. And the richer you are the more opportunity you have to call the shots and control things in the home. Awkwardly, leadership tilts to the side that's richer. And it's obvious that being richer is never equal to being able to provide responsible leadership anywhere otherwise the richer you are, the greater your opportunity to lead your country, community or organisation. We have seen that such respect for riches is the bane of so many countries' leaderships.

So we have homes where the husband uses veto power to thwart the opportunities and the potentials of the wife for her to perpetually depend on him so that he can keep his self esteem, ego and leadership. And if anything happens to him or to His finances, the home begins to suffer.

Some scenarios have it that, in such cases the wife rebels. Finds a way of making money and lays up treasures for herself without the knowledge of her husband. Some even gets the husband to pay as in the case where the wife bought a house and indirectly rented it to the family. OK, we blame her for that...

The blame should rather go to our lack of understanding or refusal to understand what exactly God's plan is for home financial management.

The understanding that stifles potentials and enslaves a partner and permits one partner's ego to be constantly under unnecessary pressure can't be of God though we are quick to jump to some scriptures quoted out of context to defend such absurdities that doesn't reflect the nature of God.

Do we expect full marital happiness out of such arrangements? Do we expect God and mammon to be Lord in our homes same time? Where is real love in the overall management of our home affairs? How do we generate trust enough to power the love the home needs to thrive?

This Saturday by 9am, we'll be exploring the scriptures to see God's mind since Adam on this subject and how we are to apply that in our homes to help us preserve our marriages and heal the hurts such has inflicted on many who suffer silently.

So join us this

Saturday 2nd of April, 9am @

Grace Missions International ministers marriage conference April 2016 edition.

Havila Place
#46 DF Street
Opposite Bobcat Hotel
Mosan Road
Shagari Federal Estate
Iyana Ipaja, Lagos.

You don't have to be a minister to attend. Registration is free and nondenominational.

This meeting was shifted from Friday to Saturday to make it more convenient for people to attend. You'll never regret coming. God's blessings always!

Good morning!

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