Monday, 20 January 2014

When Knowledge is a Burden

When Knowledge is a Burden!
Is ignorance weakness all the time? Is the ability to remember strength always? Can I choose not to know and be saved? Are there issues I  must delete to live? To us all who were rated by our ability to remember to move on in life, the ability to recalling events and information is intelligence and success depends on it. But to those troubled by their past how they wish they can forget certain incidences in their lives. I'm sure God has the ability to forget or why would He say my sins and my iniquities He would remember no more? That means my ability to forget may not always be a weakness. If I don't forget wrongs done against me my relationships might not stand and I may not be able to please God. I need strength to forget and cover multitudes of sins. I need no refreshments of my memory when it comes to wrongs suffered.  There are things better unknown... they might become hard to unlearn. There were two very significant trees in the garden of Eden. The tree of life and that of the knowledge of good and evil. Both were matters of life and death. Eat life and you'll live but when you taste of the knowledge of good and evil you die. God made our minds to be inquisitive and hungry for knowledge of the truth. So we learn all sorts. We learn and we love it. We learned to kill since we discovered where life is sustained. We learned to hurt since we discovered where pleasure lies. We learned to steal since we discovered the joy of possessing yet a man's life doesn't consist in the abundance of what he possesses. He had learnt the wrong thing he would have been better off not knowing. He tasted of the pleasure of women and just a woman and only women won't be enough. He learnt to be high and alcohol won't do he had to discover coca leaves and its effect on his head and soul. Since then he would kill to get high if it so takes. Now cocaine and the drugs we used to know won't do. Man learns and the knowledge designed to set free enslaves him. He gets addicted to what he learnt to enjoy and would spend his life's earning to be free from it. Many would still not be healed till what they'd learnt would kill them. There are things never to know. There are skills never to learn. There are fruits not meant to be eaten, they weren't made to satisfy hunger. Don't learn to drink alcohol, don't learn to pervert sex, don't learn to kill and don't develop the skills to rob another of his possessions. They are knowledge you'll love to forget, when their pains come, forgetfulness would be a precious but a very elusive gift.
I may choose not to know. I am not free if I have no such powers. If it won't help anyone why should I seek to know it. Why should I learn malice and have great skills in evilness, why should I learn hatred and use anger to destroy another? Hatred is one thing to unlearn, discrimination must be a thing to delete. In malice I must be unskillful but in understanding I must be a man. I may learn how to be street wise and not learn my maths and afterwards wonder why I couldn't read and write. I may learn how to use a knife to earn respect in being viscous and master the wisdom to reign supreme in the underworld, I may be learned in luring men into the blackmailer's net as a lady, I may study the tricks of diabolism and become master in trading my body for wealth. The knowledge of spiritual manipulation maybe at my fingertips and to deceive may be a hobby done with cherish learnt probably frok the masters of the game. These knowledge of evil adds nothing even if through them I'd gathered untrue riches untold. When their venom has been released and the cockatrice dragon spits its fires then regrets of knowledge and learning sets in at a time when correction would make so sense. It's better not to learn some things and remain ignorant and live. It's better not to enter into the secret covenants with dire consequence which you dare not share with a friend, not even a spouse.  It's better not to be part of another's secrecy, knowing will tarnish and take innocence away, knowing cannot make guiltless. Many have lost their lives for knowing too much and much learning had made many mad. There's the knowledge that makes mad which is better avoided. It's better to live on the tree of life than to feed on the tree of knowledge of evil. What have I learnt that I must unlearn? Now, forgetting is a treasure so that I can become ignorant again so as to remove from under the pile of life's rubbles the little child I once was, ignorant of the errors of life without fear and prejudice. Except I become a little child again, paradise is lost but I shall be released and regain my innocence, devoid of negative meanings and interpretations, take life in good faith and be free. There ignorance is strength and forgetfulness is a treasure. There Knowledge is a burden and to remember hurts, reliving what should have been better left unlearned and unexperienced. Things that if left alone years back would have made life more meaningful and full. Good morning folks! Keep visiting and for the bible studies. Let me know you came or mail me thru or call. Remain blessed and forget what should be unlearned!

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