Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Clean Thoughts Clean Words

Clean Thoughts Clean Words
I often consider thoughts as winds blowing. They breeze in and out and go here and there and with so effective impact bringing changes so amazing. They conform to who the thinker is and the thinker responds also to his thoughts, he too conforms. The abundance permitted in the heart overflows to fill the mouth and the speech colors life and builds destiny. When such words are quoted, they go wherever with the speaker's name and the words must not be foolish otherwise the one whose name is attached is seen as mad. Wise men are seen not just by the solutions they bring but also the words they utter. Words are weapons of war in the battlefields of the spirit and of life and the minds and the imaginations of men are the foundries where the devastating weapons of words are crafted. They come two edged and like arrows they fly by the unseen waves, read and heard by the effect they left. One word would send the whole world reeling in laughter and another will send fear and jitters across the universe. One world will make the world shout another will freeze the hearts of men. Why do we so respond to words? One of the vulnerabilities of men and one of the weaknesses man hasn't been able to wrestle. So the speaker is powerful, and when you have no say you are as good as dead. When men hear you, your glory shines even a word spoken makes lengthy meaning. There you have orators and manipulators. Their words made them. There you have educators professing to the buiding up of men and their world from great minds and erudite thoughts. They were made by the speeches they made. Enthralled by the words spoken by Christ they said no one ever spoke like him. Words have moved the world to wars and worlds have sent many to suicides. Words have built cities both Babylons and Zions as they were fired from the mind. Words kill. Words revive. Words make the speaker and the hearers are either made or marred. Words may be meals of life or arrows piercing to the soul. It all depends on the quality of the foundries that made them. One word can turn good away from the one to whom its due and another can recommend a pauper to the top of the world. Bad men don't speak good words and good men don't make killing comments. Courage flows from the thoughts of the righteous but the comments of the wicked saps strength. Yet the wicked will speak and hearts will be hardened to commit evil, the ears that hear them shall not be innocent, but a good man will speak and the laws of kindness will uphold the faint to show forth nobility. Some will speak and darkness, doom and death will cover the faces that receive the bath yet the first recorded speech was one which brought about light and life. Somewhere in the evolution of words corruption sets in when the thoughts of men got contaminated with wickedness. So I must purge my thoughts so that my fountain would be blessed. Then men who drink from the brooks would live and not die. The river that flows from my heart will be rivers of life and not the harbinger of death. My words would not turn away good rather it will provoke to love and rigjteousness. My mouth shall feed many. The arrows of my mouth shall destroy evil and scrutinize the hearts that ponder to fish out virtues hidden within. My heart imagines good and nobility and my mouth should not make contrary comments. I will meditate on the beauties of man and his world and my songs shall not be of hatred but love. When pains are made to fester in the mind lyrics of hate will write music for the dirge that will move the hearers to unending mourning. When I take the platforms, the mikes must let loose the melodies of love and I see sworn enemies in holy embrace. When I pick my pen let the letters of love flow that will spur the readers to run the race of righteousness. How good is it for my words to recommend another for a lifting! How noble will it be if the power of my words turns away destruction from a city! How sweet is it for my words to bring enlightenment to a soul in darkness! When good comes to a home by a word I speak, sweetness fills the heart and overflows to make me even better. Why should I rejoice when my speech brings sorrows and not repentance? Why should I boast on how my words deprived another of his needs. Why should my word send another to his death when he isn't murderous? I'll rather my mouth be bridled than for a curse to proceed thenceforth. I'll position my mouth for edification and not for destruction, it will exhort and comfort and bring many to their fortune. Hearing me must make good, listening must be to good pleasure, reading must be to learning, and the reports must make the heart see good and not evil. My heart shall not device evil to destroy another, my words shall feed and not with poison, I will speak kindly and peaceably to the city and proclaim good that will bring joy. My recomendations must be sweet and fair because out of my belly flow rivers of healing and wherever it goes men live! Let not your heart be polluted for it to bring evil, let light and life spring up and shine good on those who hear. Let no corrupt communications proceed out of your mouth but that which is good for edification that it may brimg grace to those who hear. Good morning and share this. Keep visiting and our weekly Bible Study notes at and for counselling and personal discussions call +234818321156. Remain blessed!

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