Thursday, 30 January 2014

Let War Cease

Let War Cease!
I woke up today with a determination in my mind to love. To love my neighbors as myself. To take their idiosyncrasies and absorb their rubbish. I have decided to follow Jesus. I'm sure you too have heard the song before.
I have had pains and I suffer no more. I have suffered, I fear no sin anymore. He that has suffered is free from sin, so said Apostle Peter because no trial or travail will be strong enough to make such transgress. I can dare the greatest adversity and I'm sure my resolve will remain the same. If you throw corn at me when you know I'm no cork, I'll pick your corn, make a meal and take the pap.
It takes two to tango, I will only tango with you in a dance and not in a fight. If you send the invite I can reject the call. I won't fight you but love you.
Words may mould into arrows and darts sent as if to an enemy. Attitudes may sapp strength when one receives its downsides.  A man's ego may be wounded yet he hears the giggles of his afflictors and so the pains deepen. There is no end to wickedness, humans seek the most deadly to release against every perceived enemy and so make themselves enemies of their perceived enemies.
I have seen those who campaign against hate in the same seat they cry out against. Some cries are armoury to prevent the opposition from expression so that the opposition might take a position of an easy target. I see ambush set by propagators of peaceable propaganda. Man loves to deceive himself.
I've seen discouragement sent in the direction of perceived adversaries maybe it might weaken him in case he came to fight. So fights are raised against the peaceful and the innocent is caught unawares.

Why should insecurity drive me? Why should my self interest push me against my lovers? Why must I think of competitions and adversity and see errors where there are none?
But that is man who should be god. There the foundations of the world went out of position and gods die as men and fall as one of the princes. Ye are gods, the psalmist said, and all of you the children of the Most High but without behaving at the highest level, baseness will bring the gods down into the graves of men.
The answer is to love. Love like God loves. Love your enemies.
So he used a bad language on you? Don't use a bad language on him in return, step higher. So he judged you wrongly? And that's not right but engage mercy towards him. Or else when will all the rancor ever come to an end? When will wars cease to the ends of the earth? Yet all wars are fuelled by self interest, even the the mediator too has some interests to protect.
The answer is true love. Can we afford it? So elusive it has become in as much as we believe in the survival of the fittest. Who wants to be the runt that dies? But who will fight for the weak? Yet when only the strongest had survived, his components would still compete for the best meat and eventually self-destruct. Survival of the fittest can only make the survivor lonely if nor suicidal. When I lock myself in the unnecessary fight for survival against you, I fight myself since you were already made part of me. But when the strong supports the weak, we both survive and the strength gained pushes us better faster.
Why wars when we can love. Why fear me when I can't hurt you? Why hurt me just because you feel I may hurt you? Yes, I may be different but I may not be dangerous. But I may become dangerous when I have to defend myself against the expression of your wrong perceptions of me. That's what makes violence plenty. That's where wars come from. But if I choose to love you even when you are an avowed enemy, love conquers you and saves both of us. When Jesus said love your enemies it is so that we all can survive together and reign as gods on the earth.
But I doubt if they'll listen! I hope you will because I have made up my mind to flow with Jesus and end all wars in my life. I'm sure if I obey Him, He'll protect me and cause wars to cease.
The wars within my members will have to end first. My desires must be on proper co-ordinates. My selfishness must soft-pedal on me. I must lose my lust and kill my fears. I must see good in all and know I'm good if you are. Your good removes nothing from me and the scarce world resources are good enough for us all. I must see that the weak survives and become part of the work force and realise that then we can all move forward. I must see that there is no runt to kill and being handicapped only make you special and being different doesn't make you dangerous.
Why should I kill you because you don't believe in what I perceive as real? If it's truly real you can only deprive yourself not believing,  afterall baal should be powerful enough to defend itself if it's great enough to be bowed down to.

There will always be reason for love and wars make no sense. Don't be afraid of me, if I ever hurt you it is a faithful wound of a friend better than the kisses of an enemy. Your fear of me can only trigger my fear for you and your trust in me makes me want to please you. That's the way it goes. And if wars must cease let love take the lead and not fear.
But I have seen that in world politics vocabularies such as love and forgiveness do not exist. In nationalism selfishness is key and when many nations are locked up in one, nationalism could only mean bitter competitions at best and full blown wars at worst, either hot or cold. I heard a leader said he was sorry and asked for forgiveness for some assaults I heard also that the other nation declined. And what would be the result if not wars. But we can stop wars and make them to cease if we permit love to push us on either within the family, friendships or among nations. Good morning. Let's do love!  Share this and let love flow...keep visiting and leave a comment since you are more than a visiting number. Reach me thru ...keep on loving!

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