Tuesday, 14 January 2014

I Can Trust...

I Can Trust... So many things on my mind. I've not had time and space to put what's on my mind down for a few days. And I'm pressed, but I won't burst and if I do, it'll be on my notepad. I speak like Elihu, I'm full of matter by the inspiration of the Almighty within me. One of those thoughts lingering on my mind is that of trust. I had stuggled with that for years and it is a matter that's so bothering to man. I see that we all want it, but find it hard to give, yet we wish we can give it without reservation and many have been burnt to ashes for trusting without discretion. How I wish to relate without hinderances but how I fear to flow into an unknown ocean. How I wish I could be free in expression but I can't trust my hearer to see exactly what I say and to say same with same accompanying motive. How I wish I can leave my valuables at your disposal if this demon of distrust won't speak to my ears. My distrust feeds on my imaginations and vision, my mental designs of what is possible and what experiences I've had and heard of. It feeds on tendencies, the tilt that sends the fear of falling yet the Eiffel tower remains with its tilt till date, yet it's that tilt that my distrust is strengthened on for fear that tendencies may end up in activities. My distrust also looks at what I'd done before and what I have the capacity and the boldness to do and believes every other in the same disposition will react in like manners. Yet, we see differently, hear differently and understand differently. Experiences differ and they give different filters to what comes in and responses are triggered accordingly. So we respond differently but how hard that is to see? The different ways we see further takes the contents of another's intents farther away. The mystery of what the wells within my neighbors hold gives me wild assumptions that hasn't helped my faith and produces superstitions that trigger fear. Fear in it's best garment will bring distrust at a worse state cannot avoid violent defence. Yet we all crave for trust, to trust and to be trusted. And its dangerous to play foolhardy to the potential of homosapiens to be intrinsically selfish that pushes him to invade the territories of his neighbor even of same specie and progenitors with extreme wickedness and violence. The wickedness of man cannot be slightly esteemed, its self destruct to lay down life to the wiles of man. So how do I trust and who do I trust? If I totally omit trust on the other side the world stops. I won't be able to step out of my closet without trust, the tendencies of the lion on the street would keep me in. I won't be able to talk who knows what the audience is hearing and what response that would draw? And so many such sceneries can be painted till the world stops moving. The world silently runs on trust and man gives his trust away unconsciously even when the result sometimes go awry. I have seen that integrity powers trust and faithfulness triggers faith. When experience bears integrity above the brim faith and trust overflow unconsciously as the breathe. When integrity remains at the ebbs, faith and trust remain at their low estates. When you give faith to he who hasn't the capacity to respond with positive power and productivity, you throw your pearls to a swine to trample upon and turn again to attack. Faith and trust turns on power to perform. When you throw the meal at the broken tooth you empower failure and trigger disappointments. When you rest your overweight on a broken leg you fall. So I test who I throw my expectations at. If I must chew to satisfaction as I expect with my sumptuous meal then I must prove the teeth. If I must go all the way with my weight I must before know where my feet has issues. So let them first be proven and then let them use the office if found blameless so said the Apostle pertaining to appointments in the church and the same goes for committing things to people. I must find out and truth is never afraid of scrutiny. I must see how tou have dealt with others I must know how you have handled those who had passed through you. A spouse who never loved any other before can not start loving with the present partner. Afterall such could have had a test run of his love with those of his household before promising love to another. Test is no lack of trust, it is the gateway to faith. When I'm tested my integrity will be revealed and my examiners will experience my faithfulness and know my strong points upon which to rest and not fall. Don't rest on my weak points I may not sustain you and such is trust and expectations, I won't disappoint you on my strong points. Discover what I can willingly give, and you will always enjoy that from me. Discover also where I'm not so good and avoid demands no matter how willingly I am to give I may not have the capacity to deliver and so I fail. My failure isn't my default. When you flow with how I'm wired failure becomes impossible. So trust me on my strength and I won't fail. When I put you to test I discover where your purpose and potential are and there we can flow and there I can trust you. When I discover your convictions I also discover what you won't do even with a gun to your head. When I trust you with what you can do I trigger your performance and when I distrust your abilities and intentions I dampen your spirit to produce. When I know what you have faith in I also discover what to have faith for in you. If you don't believe in your abilities, my expectations from same abilities will be in futility. So there are different colors to the outlook of the trust issues. When I research into you and experience you I will know where to plug my pins to receive what God made you to give me and disappointments would be out of our relationship so I won't take the one equipped only to be my Secretary to be my wife and I won't make the one equipped just for my marital bliss to be some other thing and my expectations won't be cut short. I can trust if I have tested... and found true! Do same. Good morning! And share with all your friends and contacts. Keep visiting evansademanuel.blogspot.com and let me know you came and join the Bible study at godspeeps.wordpress.com and let's grow together, my convictions is to be a blessing to you with what God has given me and that's all. Call if you feel like talking +234818321156 any questions mail me toyintoks2011@gmail.com

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