Saturday, 4 January 2014


Read! I was just thinking. Thinking about reading and its power. The power of the pen or is it the fingers as it translates thoughts into tabloids for the reading of generations. I also thought of how so much of such works go unread due to the weight and burden of reading that we hate to bear. It takes books to know even if it will take a teacher to understand what's read. The more reading we do the more we fellowship with the essence of beings far away or long gone. The greatness of minds are read in their writings and also their folly but how will you know if not read. Someone said you can safely hide things from people if kept inside books even if not written in the books since the books may never be opened not to mention being read. Secrets that will unlock treasures of life and answer the pertinent questions plaguing the mind of men are kept in books and in writings great and small, unfortunately we have no time to read. I have seen great personal libraries of books never read and not better than wall paintings or 3D animations on walls, leave the fortune that was used to purchase them and consider the treasures within the books and the good they'd kept waiting for the wise. For the wise will learn and will increase in knowledge but who is wiser and more knowledgeable than the fool in his own eyes? In those books lies the truth that sets free be it of the laws of nature or of the spirit. In books lies the stories of success and the folly of failure, there, what to avoid and to avail are present and the ignorant is destroyed for lack of available knowledge. What have you read lately? Deep calls to the deep, let books take you to the depths, fellowship with thoughts beyond the surface and see what the foundations of the world was made of and lick the sweetness of knowledge be it psychic or of physics. And now you can search for it or google it, somewhere there you'll pick up something that will make you go wow! The missing link and the piece of the jigsaw puzzle of life is waiting somewhere, waiting to be read, but will it? Researches are being made, discoveries are encountered and documented it takes the wise and the inquisitive to fall on them and make of them the most sence. Maybe we love to be satisfied with what meet the eye and block our minds with superstition that rests the questions of life, we wonder at mysteries and put them in the exclusive and rsstricted files but there are answers to the mysteries, what was hard yesterday are common knowledge today and tomorrow holds the light to the dark mysteries of today and who knows if they have been stored in some books kept and locked up? Only those who can read will open the seals and read the scrolls. Read about what you claim you believe and read extensively, read about your profession and waste no time on frivolities and trivialities. Why read gossips when you know nothing about what matters to your life. What problems do you have? Why not locate what has been written concerning them, because you have not heard does not mean it has not been written so said my pastor sometimes ago. Not everything you need is preached or taught by the professor, many are kept away in books, big and small. The mountain of knowledge is so big that we circling it only see some parts, the big picture is seen when we compare notes. But when one refuses to read the notes such remains parochial and shortsightedly myopic and in pride may even make jest of superior and more accurate knowledge that works. Yes, not every book is pregnant with relevance but somewhere there we learn how the mind of men works when it takes a different perspective from ours and there we can learn accommodation and some virtues. Even where it is necessary to antagonize, it is good to do so informed and that calls for research. Why then don't we make time to read? Daniel said he understood divine plan by reading the prophesy of Jeremiah and there what to do for freedom was revealed. From Daniel's writings I too understand that there are books written but sealed till the time appointed, there are books written for my time and until I read, the solutions within remain sealed. I must plan to read more, make out time to search and be enlightened, there are yet great and mighty things to know and the hunt for them must be in earnest. If there are parchment forgotten on the journey they must now be called for to be read, if there are notes scribbled on tablets of old they must be deciphered and read. If they were written in other tongues they should be translatable and if they were encoded they will be decoded. Whatever is it we must read. Yet if we don't read, others will, maybe not in our clime or time, they will read and get better for it, it isn't a favor to the writer done when his thoughts spread and are read, for if there be any virtue within, it is the reader that is blessed with it. Yet the writer wishes that all the world would read what is written, but in reality there are only a little percentage of books ever written that end up bestsellers, yet good thoughts thrive as they strive to survive and books and writings do live till their times. I have seen also that news sell but their values are short-lived even if a billion of copies are sold they only last but a few days satisfying the cravings of the mind to know trends. But in many the cravings to understand don't live so long, they are soon seared with hot iron and the few who care rule over the multitude who don't. Readers are never shallow, they swim the deep and discover creatures of great wonders. Read history, read geography, seek to know politics and how men are governed, read the Bible and study other religions, don't be ignorant of the sciences and let not any be a mystery to you, read the ideas and the imaginations of others and be acquainted with the basics of all that affect you. Let this be a challenge of the season and it isn't just for you but also for me, for I long to know knowing that I do not know as I ought to know. I long to break the fear of reading and make more time to read wider to expand my thoughts to bless those who read me much more. There will be thoughts that will make the stomach ache and some so annoying that they will tempt one to tear the book that contains them, some you bare gladly like you bear comedians and some you discard as soon as read into mental trash cans but in the rubbles, dirt and mud you strike gold sometimes which makes up for all the stress and troubles gone through. As we read it's good to know that the knowledge of evil lives on also in the books. The inventors of evil write too. The ideologies that brought wars and untold sufferings to the world are also locked up in books, the techniques of oppression and control are scribbled and left behind for evil men that would incarnate afterwards to feed on and grow their fangs. The strategies of old time manipulators are being gleaned by their successors and packaged to equip more tyrants that will emerge at this close of the age. When you fall on such packages read but hold on to that which is virtuous and let not such influence you but let them instruct you as to the ways of the wicked and how the callous go and avoid them. You will also meet many that will speak to yoir development such drink as much as you can, they are rivers of life and not death. Read wide and be learned maybe someday you might write a few pages and be read and your fattened thoughts can immortalize you till the world and its books come to an end. Read and keep reading and you've just done well reading this not minding the length and when you have read its time to meditate to wring out the juice of life in it. Thanks for reading and read even more. Share this widely and Keep reading and keep visiting and you can also join the Bible study at Good morning.

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