Monday, 24 February 2020

The World won't Light You Up: You Do!

The World won't Light You Up: You Do! 

So you paid for a full bouquet of a digital satellite TV as a Christian, that's OK. But remember there will be all sorts on it. Educational, News, Entertainment, Sports and of course, religion. Religious channels you don't believe in, entertainments that aren't Christianity compliant and even items that aren't your taste are all inclusive. 
What you do is tune to the channels that suit your needs and biases, ignore those that aren't and people won't even know you have such channels on your bouquet. That way you keep your home safe from the pollution of the world! 
Learn to overcome the temptations of watching what you shouldn't watch as a Christian, learn to take your eyes off what you shouldn't be seeing. That's the beauty of Christianity. We are in the world but not of the world, you won't overcome worldliness by asking the worldly not to be worldly. It's like coming to my house and telling me how to run my hood. You learn to keep your head and enjoy your host as much as you can while you are in my house, when you get to your home, you can do as you like. 

When we start behaving as if it's the job of government to help us live the Christian life or we start complaining how worldly the world is, we show how we are yet to understand that we have no enduring place here, we have no resting city here. This isn't home yet. 

The Old Testament and some other religions run as nationalistic religions. Where what's supposed to be spiritual laws become national constitutions and they may not run as designed without active support of an earthly governmental system back up. Christianity isn't like that, everybody doesn't have to comply to us to be able to run the race set before us. That's why Christianity is more tolerant and predominantly Christian communities accommodate all and that's the strength of the system, it opens up the opportunity for non believers to feel the love of Christ and have the choice of following Christ. 
When we get to that point where we become political or social pressure groups to fight for rights as if we need that to be Christian, we know we have refocused from heavenly things to carnality. 
We must begin to disciple ourselves to live the life even in hostile environments and communities. We are not those who will demand everyone to cover up so that we won't be tempted to be adulterous or immoral. We remain holy even with naked and nude sinning men and  women all around. We are called to live without being spotted by the world. The world is there as dark as ever and gross darkness will still cover the earth, and it is our light  that will shine for the glory of the Lord to be revealed and it's into that light that people will rush into according to Isaiah. We are the light of the world, we are the salt of a decaying world to preserve it, we can't place that responsibility on the world, rather we are to show the world the alternative that's in Christ. 
If we are demanding of the world to arise and shine, if we have got to the point that the world should not decay because we don't want to smell the rot then what's our salt good for, what's our light good for? 

Photo Credit: EvgeniT/Pixabay

Christian! This world won't comply to you, it won't adjust to accommodate you, you are the one not to conform, you are the one to keep transforming till your godly life and light shine across the world and it's darkness. You are the one to keep holding forth the Word of life in the perverse and crooked world. The world is unrepentant, it's individuals in it that'll step out of it while it keeps its rebellion and perverse reputation in its gross darkness. It won't comply to you until God's Kingdom comes and the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdom of our God, while we wait for that, we refuse to be sucked in, we refuse to be moved and on the day of visitation we'll be saved. 

Let's learn to keep our position and stand, living as we have been equipped, with the life and the Spirit of God, occupying till He comes, providing the people an alternative to the world!  Maranatha!


  1. Glory to God in the highest. We shall not confirm, we receive grace to be a shinning light occupying till Jesus Christ our saviour and Lord comes to receive us. Multiplied grace sir.

  2. Hmmm...I can't ovecome worldiness by asking the world to stop being worldly. I am to keep transforming till my Godly life and light shines accross the world and it's darkness.

    My light is relevant because the world is dark,no need to worry about the dark just shine...More grace sir.
