Friday, 25 October 2019

The Power of Agreeing

Relationship Friday: The Power of Agreeing for Oneness

When God said it isn't good for Adam to be alone, He wasn't trying to accomplish the desire of another person but of Himself.

Even Adam himself didn't know what was good or what was not good. But according to design, he was made a social being. He would not be able to survive without others around him. That was the original design.
Of course, it was possible for God to make him procreate by himself, if God had so chosen but the design was not to be. Man wouldn't be able to wait till any such process of procreation would have happened. Something had to be done that same satisfy that original design.

This is one reason why we know that the woman was not an afterthought after all. Adam was already designed not to be alone. He was not to be like our sun, which is just by itself or our moon which is just one, he was to be in a community and to be part of a society beyond being able to merely procreate.

So God had to split him into two in order to have a companion. He did it along sexual line and added procreation into it. And that is telling of God's mind. Man won't be able to make anything tangible happen being alone. He wont be able to naturally procreate by himself, he would need others to fulfil his destiny.

If he would need others then he must learn the ropes of being together with others. Inability to accommodate others is key to life's fulfillment. Adam would have to be able to accommodate Eve. And that would mean being able to look beyond the anatomical differences between him and her, to be able to see the point of agreement in the same flesh and bone they were. This is now the flesh of my flesh and the bone of my bone...

It was after that, they could look at the reason for their differences. The differences were not to create separation but as points of compatibility for oneness. The differences show why we are to complement one another to birth a common future.

The differences are to bring us together and not to separate us. To create points of completion for us and not to bring competition between us.

The way to this completion needed for procreation of glorious things we were blessed with will be agreeing. Lack of agreement undermines the potential of our being able to complete one another to give birth to our increase and future. How we love to foolishly compete!

When it comes to physical and biological reproduction, we have the differences in sex organs to complete each other for procreation. Each is equipped with potentials needed to supply what the union would need to have the common output.

But it isn't only in the area of biology that we were so separated to be rejoined. Every strength each has is to complete something in the other to bring something new to birth for their common increase and future. If there is a common vision, which should be.

Just as we are bones of same bones and flesh of same flesh, so also should husband and wife have vision of same vision, desires of same desires and aspirations of same aspirations for their increase and the future of both of them together.

And as we have different sex organs which must supply different things to make procreation and the future possible, so also we aren't the same in many other areas where the production of the future and of increase is potent.

We shouldn't be afraid of our differences. Compatibility isn't sameness. It can't be. We are only compatible when we have points of connection with one another for fruitfulness, multiplication and replenishment of our world towards having dominion. And to connect, one will have to be plug and the other socket. The bones and the flesh may be same.

And this is why we need agreement. Agreeing leads to oneness of desires and of vision. The differences need agreeing for the connections to happen for fruitfulness. Without agreeing we can't reproduce. Agreement is the power that holds our common future and increase.

Agreement requires submission. Putting down all that one has in order to connect to and with all that the other has and has submitted also. When we can't submit to one another, we can not come to agreement. The essence of submitting isn't for one to lord it over another. It is for such to receive what the other has to submit also.

In biology, the one with the womb submits to the other to submit the half seed to combine with the other half waiting within. It is a game of mutual submission as they submit, one to the other in turn.

Same way in every other area. One with the womb submits to the other to submit what he or she has, so as to combine the seeds and to carry the increase till parturition or birth for both to rejoice together in their fruit.

How is your agreement with your spouse? You may have been good in the biological fruitfulness, how are you doing in the fruitfulness of other areas of destiny? What about your submission? What are you bringing to the table for the future you both desire? Your future depends on enjoy the blessing of being fruitful, multiplying, replenishing, subduing and having dominion!

Think about this and make it work for yourself.

God bless you and your relationship greatly.

Read and share!

Have a great weekend!

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