Monday, 21 October 2019


Monday Motivation: Upbeat

Being upbeat isn't what you always want to be. There are times for sober reflections and deep thinking. You shouldn't always be here and there, talking all the time, you'll need time to be still and have some quiet.

But being excitedly upbeat is invaluable. You don't trade that for being moody and dull. Being weighed down can be counterproductive. Being cast down can lead to losing interest in lots of things and being slow to executing necessary things we should do.

Being sluggish will keep you always steps backwards. Others get there before you and you come late to meetings and to schedules. There are a lot to lose not being upbeat.

We are cast down mainly by hopelessness, frustration and disappointments. Loss of loved and dependable people in our lives can cause our souls to stoop. Failures and negative events can bring sorrow and sluggishness but nothing beats hopelessness.

Hopelessness makes you lose the zest for life and living. Life and hope could be synonyms. When there is hope, there is life and where you find real living, it is because there is hope. Hope is zeal, it puts fire in your bones, you press, and beat through restraints to go for the goal... Hope keeps you going, knowing the possibilities that exists for you ahead!

Positive expectation cures us of regrets and projects us into the future. We are driven by the possibilities of what lies ahead. But when the feeling of being at the dead end of life overcomes us, hands can drop and drudgery may set in.

We also gain excitement and being upbeat by the sense of being needed. When you have to be there for others, you count yourself relevant. When other people show reliance on you, it makes you want to be there for a longer time.

Rejection often makes you feel needless and useless. The feeling of uselessness may cause a person to even want to end it all. When you feel unappreciated, the zeal to wake up, stand up, dress up and show up won't be readily there...

If you aren't appreciated for the things you do, the excitement of doing the same again is lost. Boredom quells our being upbeat, it comes by doing same things over and over. Monotony can bring tiredness, though the consistency we gain from it builds expertise in us but we often get tired of doing the same thing over and over.

We keep our excitement knowing that what we do would be appreciated some day even if not now. A parent that's doing everything to keep the kids in school and well, may not feel appreciated, since no one might even ever say thank you... But the result of that seen in the development of the children for society is worth the shouldn't be traded.

The Pastor that spends and is spent for the sheep may not be appreciated voluntarily but nonetheless, the care affects lives and would keep a lot of people away from the path of hell and destruction.

We must understand like King Solomon said, that there is no labour without profit... Even if the payment does not come every month end.

There is something about being productive and adding something to life that should keep us excited. Isn't it amazing that when the writers of the New Testament letters were writing them that their intentions wasn't to make them into a book that will be packaged together with the almighty books of law and the prophets?

They wrote from prison, they wrote from pain and from comfort, they wrote to friends and to God's people without the ease of modern technology... They wrote not knowing that you and I and generations ahead would read and be inspired...they didn't plan that what they were writing will someday become a bestseller. They just wrote to strengthen the faith of their friends and see what it has become today...

It means, many of the things we do today, even reluctantly, may be kept for the safety and well-being of many generations coming and if we stop doing them, we can't become all that God has created us to be...

So, don't be tired. Strengthen the feeble knees and lift up your hands that are hanging down...wake up from slumber and go become all that God has planned for you to be. You're pregnant of great things, you need strength to deliver and the excitement of the Lord is your strength...

It's a new week... Be upbeat, don't be tired... Make something happen this week in spite of all the things that would keep you down...

It's a great week!

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