Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Independence, Influence and Accountability

Ministry Wednesday: Independence, Influence and Accountability

As ministers of the gospel and members of the body of Christ, our independence is limited even within the freedom we have in Christ Jesus.

Instead of independence, we have interdependence where the strength of one compliments the weakness of the other and the abundance of one compliments the lack of another as we bear one another's burden so fulfilling the law of Christ.

Each one of us is equipped with something to offer to build others up while our own building up is done by that which others are equipped with.

The body only grows by that which every joint supplies Ephesians 4:16.

So we are here to influence one another unto good works. We are here to add to one another, we are here to provoke one another to becoming more like Christ.

Independence makes you a lone ranger without accountability to anyone. Not that ministers really love independence that much, but that it is necessary for those who love to rule over others and to be accountable to no one.

The way God had tampered the body is such that we'll automatically be accountable to one another through fellowship. We are a people who would not eat certain food if it offends one of us, as tough as that may be. We are constrained by the love of Christ.

But then we have to be careful what kind of influence we subject ourselves to. It'll be the wrong model to submit to someone who isn't obliged to be accountable to the people who have submitted to him or her. The model does not support submission to those who have no respect for the members of the body of Christ. We are admonished to properly discern the body of Christ so as not to be judged.

Everyone wants to be influential and that's OK. For that reason we have been so equipped. But we have to be sure the influence each person brings to the table either it is towards becoming more like Christ or to serve some carnal and ungodly purposes.

Influence must be balanced with a practice of respect and accountability. The influence that doesn't submit to accountability in the context of interdependence isn't of Christ, it won't build the body, it is self serving and servants of God must desist from such models and the people of God should not follow that.

The rule should be clear, be followers of me even as I am of Christ. 1Cor 11:1. Once the model isn't supporting Christ or modelling Christ, it is discarded forthwith. Even Christ said, I sanctified myself because of them so that they too might be sanctified by the truth. John 17:19.

A leader or an influencer in the body of Christ must be ready to sanctified self because of the people he or she is sent to influence. And if he or she wouldn't follow such model of Christ, he or she should be ready to lose the right to be followed. Such influence won't produce Christ's life.

We have a lot to gain as ministers when we wait on God this way. When we think of the sanctification of those we influence and how our lives affect theirs we brace up to great responsibilities.

We miss a lot of things God sends through people to build us up when we go independent particularly of those we influence who also are members of the body of Christ even if they are "under" us.

We don't choose who God sends, we only receive whoever He sends no matter who that is so s to be built up.

We receive grace to understand and to live to please Christ in Jesus name.

Good day!
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