Sunday, 27 January 2019

Who do you work for?

Motivation Monday: Who do you work for?

Simplistically, we were born, raised and trained to work to be financially independent and not necessarily to be dependable.

King Solomon said, he who labors, labors for himself because his mouth craves it.

Most of us are driven by our appetites either for fame, for food or for flesh. The roads are filled to their length this morning of people going to work, driven by their appetites. Competitions for what people deem as scarce resources will be stiff and dangerous for same reason.

Whatever drives us determines how much momentum we can have.

If it is our mouths, once it is satisfied, the momentum drops and we may not be able to go too far.

It may be fame, meaning once we gather, we don't have much margin of loss, otherwise we lose the collateral for our popularity.

It may be the flesh, with its propensity for short shelf life and immediate decadence.

But when we understand that we are God's employees created and sent to join Him in advancing His plan and purposes for His creation, nothing drops our momentum and motivation.

That's why the scriptures say, whatever we do, we must do as unto the Lord.

We are enjoined, as leaders, to lead as those who have a Leader in heaven, and as followers to serve as serving Christ.

Colossians 3
22 Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God:

23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

Colossians 4
1 Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven.

So, who do you work for? It might not look like it, but we actually work for God to further His purposes on the earth. Every legitimate and conscientious labor must be to further God's cause. It may not be a religious cause but definitely, something good God has proposed to benefit life's cause.

Ephesians 4
28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.

Stealing isn't work. Many steal using their jobs and offices, that isn't work. It adds nothing to nobody. The thief is being instructed to stop stealing, but then, we are all to learn from the instructions.

To work with our hands that which is good, that we may have to give to those who have needs.

We work to meet needs, not just our own but even of others. This should be a great motivation for us all. We work to meet other people's needs.

We are not just born, raised and trained to be financially independent but also to be dependable and faithful to others. We are God's employees to meet the needs of mankind starting from our own little corners.

We join hands with God to answer people's prayers. This is our work and so long there's a need around us, we are motivated to do something to meet such. In so doing, working with God in His employ.

Don't just do what you do for the sake of doing something or serving self, you were created to meet certain needs either by your vocation or by the proceeds you get from there as one working together with God.

Let this spur you on today and from the Lord you shall receive a reward that's everlasting.

Peace to you.

If this has blessed you, can you please share for someone else to be blessed...

It's a great week. Good Morning to you!


  1. More anointing brother, have a pleasant week

  2. More anointing brother, have a pleasant week

  3. The LORD is still talking to me:
    King Solomon said, he who labors, labors for himself because his mouth craves it.

    Most of us are driven by our appetites either for fame, for food or for flesh. The roads are filled to their length this morning of people going to work, driven by their appetites. Competitions for what people deem as scarce resources will be stiff and dangerous for same reason.

    Whatever drives us determines how much momentum we can have.

    1. Yes ma, we must know exactly what's driving us, so we can know where we may probably end... We must be driven by the Spirit of God

  4. Thank you! This truth has changed the way I work since 2003. My life has not only been transformed, I have literally seen miracles in people's lives, working hand in hand with God. There's just no other way to work! Thank you for this refresher.
