Monday, 21 January 2019

Motivation Monday: The Need for Innovation

Motivation Monday: The Need for Innovation

Man was created into a big problem. The gap between the conditions of his creation and the possibilities and potentials in his world created a great natural need for solution. He has to travel from what was to what is possible that God had made for him.

It still follows the fundamental principle and purpose of man's creation and the nature of divine infrastructure within which he was created.

God created the plant life in seed form, rain hadn't fallen and the earth needed man to till it, according to Genesis chapter 2.

What this means is that the potential of the earth needs man to be actualized. God created everything man would need in seed form, thereby creating a problem for man to solve. The development of the world was created in potential form, man must innovate to free it and maximise that potential to fulfilment.

We also saw that, when God created man, He blessed Him, and told them to be fruitful, to multiply, to fill the earth up again and to subdue it for his dominion. Genesis 1.

That blessing is the empowerment to bring man to a place where he'll make the universe what God had intended, which He began to create with the creation of man.

So, man was made a solution provider. He was made to use what he had to create what is yet to be. He should improvise and innovate to overcome his environmental challenges. He will live less than what God had planned for him if he fails to innovate.

This is the primary work God has for man on the earth. When we speak of work, it should have a background of problem solving, no matter what area of human existence such work is to be done.

Even if we speak of commerce, it must be to trade in innovations. We must move away from where Adam and Eve left us and invest time in research and development to create better environment and societies for ourselves, this is where businesses that will break boundaries and forge new frontiers are created.

Within the conflicts, the troubles and the problems within which we subsist lies greatness. These things we view as negative tell us what is possible that we are yet to see or experience.

A wise man once said, thirst is a sign that water exists. The problem is a sign that the solution is possible and available. But we must think without the box of what we have seen before. We must have the faith for the impossible, we must have the faith for the invisible.

These are not just religious parlance taught from church doctrines, rather, they are the essence of our being here while we and the earth remain.

We need not cut corners, but we may need to break taboos and redefine cultures to find solutions to our basic problems. We may need to break the rigidity of traditions and conservatism and to review whatever modernism that cover the truth of what can be that are not yet.

We must study what has been discovered and understand them so they can become tools for unraveling what we need that are yet hidden which we must search out diligently.

This is work. When we run our businesses to provide solutions with new methods and perspectives we set pace within the industry.

Nations must own their technologies and innovations otherwise they remain subservient to those who own theirs. They must develop their resources to solve their moral, social, economic and political problems in order to move into what God has laid in store while this generation lasts.

Businesses and startups must ride on the back of new technologies in every sector otherwise they'll be left behind.
We must think. Envisage problems, and seek the solutions to sell. The future must be seen today and the wise must position self not to be punished. King Solomon said, the wise man foresees evil ahead and hides, but the simple goes on and is punished. The power of foresight is what makes leaders in different sectors. They see, they discover the keys and they sell it.

A friend of Job said, there is a spirit in man, the inspiration of the almighty gives him understanding. That's the way innovation comes. Inspiration by the Spirit of God will shed light on the mind of the thinking man, to communicate what's on the eternal program to be released in its time. When a heart connects with that inspiration, new ways and things to move the earth on its eternal course are birthed.

Think about it... And let it guide the work we do. So many areas of challenges are waiting for apostles to break their grounds, not just preaching apostles but apostles in those areas where man still seek solutions.

This is the work we are called to do, let's do it in our own little spaces.

It's a great week... Let's go solve some problems, shed some light in darkness and birth things from the mind of God for mankind!

Good day to you!

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