Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Called into His Presence

Ministry Wednesday: Called to be in God's Presence

We often think we are called to reach out to people without thinking about the presence of God.
We are tempted to be more focused on being in front of people to minister to them than on being in God's presence.

Meanwhile, ministry in itself is all about receiving from God to deliver to people. Delivery will be empty without receiving from God. That we ask God for utterance to speak as we ought doesn't mean we are dumb or ignorant, it only means we are mere vessels or pipes that convey spiritual matters between their divine source and their human recipients, without contaminating the content with personal inputs.

It means we are actually and primarily called to God's presence. It is there that we receive both content of the message and the mode of delivery. It is from there we receive our mandate and direction. It is there we contact the power to back up what's being said.

That's why apostle Paul went to Corinth not with excellence of speech or of wisdom but in weakness and in vulnerability, not making his speech of enticing words of men's wisdom but bathe in the power and the demonstration of the Spirit and power of God, so that their faith would not be in the wisdom of man but in the omnipotence of God. 1 Corinthians 2:1-4.

Such an operation that depends so largely on divine content does not happen by human abilities but by the grace of God.

That's why the early Apostles were careful not to permit people administration and management to derail their focus on prayer and the ministry of the word. They decided to give themselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word. If they ever lose the presence of God, they'd lose everything and the food being served would have no meaning.

The minister's ministry depends so much on the personal relationship cultivated with God and His Spirit through the Word and prayer in the closet.

It may be a physical closet but most importantly a heart closet, where spiritual sacrifices and prayer are offered from the altar of the temple within our bodies continually.

This is primarily what we are called to do. It is from here that ministry rises. We need seclusion and being alone with God, shut off from whatever distractions from our immediate or remote environment. We must learn to manage our fellowship with God within the environment and society we have found ourselves, if we desire an impacting ministry that leaves hearts burning and mind thinking.

Moses didn't go to meet with God on the mountain so that his face might shine, but the effect of the time with God showed off on His face. The apostles were unlearned and ignorant common men but people marveled at their impact and they took note of them as people who have been with Christ.

We are told that if we walk with Him in His light, we have fellowship one with the other and the blood of Christ cleanses us from all iniquities. The cleansing is an effect of the the Person we walk with. The book of Proverbs says, he who walks with the wise shall become wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. Staying with God alone in seclusion adds quality to the life of God's servants who then comes out to impact on the people they are sent to.

Being alone with God, even in the multitude of people and activities isn't negotiable for the minister. A minister should even be more concerned about that than about being with people so that whatever little time spent with people can truly make a difference in their lives.

God has made this simple and easy by making our bodies His temple, indwell by the Spirit of God in real time.

The phenomenon starts with the conviction that the Holy Spirit dwells within us as individuals and that He prepares the ground and coordinates our fellowship with God, with Christ and with each other. It is the fellowship of the Holy Spirit through faith. Though He is invisible, our faith brings us to the reality.

Ministry isn't a show, it isn't basically a display or performance like that of an entertainer but a serious and sober delivery and transfer of encounters from the depths of God by grace.

We must never permit the gifts we have received to make spending time in God's presence secondary. Gifts don't guarantee relationship or fellowship. They are there without repentance, and they may make us look as if we are efficient or effective but we must never be deceived that God's primary desire is that we be His children and heirs which calls for fellowship and not just for ministry performance.

If we minister just by gifts, we can get a lot of superficial results but when we minister from the depths of relationship with God, we reach out to the depths of people's hearts. Depth only calls to depth. Ministering from encounters with God then has the potentials of delivering deep down, beyond the ephemeral excitements that accompany the display of gifts which may only entertain but not impact deeply.

Meanwhile, the world has perfected the art of distraction. We now dread being alone. We fear seclusion. We crave to socially feel and be felt. We are weary of concentration. Meditation now looks like being depressed and a time wasting burdensomeness. Thinking deeply is now scary both for the one to think and those watching him think. Meanwhile, God awaits His servants in the secret place. He longs for that fellowship by which He robs off on us His power and His glory. But to many of us, it's antisocial and too demanding.

But we should rather learn to enjoy it though. The exuberance and the extroverted expressions of life must never be used or become reason to obscure the demands of sobriety and deep reflections where God meets with us.

When He comes calling, may He find us not bring afraid and hiding like Adam, but to always meet ready and hungry hearts, longing for Him as the deer that pants after the waters.

We are called into His presence, shall we boldly come into the holiest of all please, so that our emergency will be with the demonstration of power and of the Holy Spirit.

Peace to you.

If this has blessed you, can you please share it to bless another?

It's a great day!

Sunday, 27 January 2019

Who do you work for?

Motivation Monday: Who do you work for?

Simplistically, we were born, raised and trained to work to be financially independent and not necessarily to be dependable.

King Solomon said, he who labors, labors for himself because his mouth craves it.

Most of us are driven by our appetites either for fame, for food or for flesh. The roads are filled to their length this morning of people going to work, driven by their appetites. Competitions for what people deem as scarce resources will be stiff and dangerous for same reason.

Whatever drives us determines how much momentum we can have.

If it is our mouths, once it is satisfied, the momentum drops and we may not be able to go too far.

It may be fame, meaning once we gather, we don't have much margin of loss, otherwise we lose the collateral for our popularity.

It may be the flesh, with its propensity for short shelf life and immediate decadence.

But when we understand that we are God's employees created and sent to join Him in advancing His plan and purposes for His creation, nothing drops our momentum and motivation.

That's why the scriptures say, whatever we do, we must do as unto the Lord.

We are enjoined, as leaders, to lead as those who have a Leader in heaven, and as followers to serve as serving Christ.

Colossians 3
22 Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God:

23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

Colossians 4
1 Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven.

So, who do you work for? It might not look like it, but we actually work for God to further His purposes on the earth. Every legitimate and conscientious labor must be to further God's cause. It may not be a religious cause but definitely, something good God has proposed to benefit life's cause.

Ephesians 4
28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.

Stealing isn't work. Many steal using their jobs and offices, that isn't work. It adds nothing to nobody. The thief is being instructed to stop stealing, but then, we are all to learn from the instructions.

To work with our hands that which is good, that we may have to give to those who have needs.

We work to meet needs, not just our own but even of others. This should be a great motivation for us all. We work to meet other people's needs.

We are not just born, raised and trained to be financially independent but also to be dependable and faithful to others. We are God's employees to meet the needs of mankind starting from our own little corners.

We join hands with God to answer people's prayers. This is our work and so long there's a need around us, we are motivated to do something to meet such. In so doing, working with God in His employ.

Don't just do what you do for the sake of doing something or serving self, you were created to meet certain needs either by your vocation or by the proceeds you get from there as one working together with God.

Let this spur you on today and from the Lord you shall receive a reward that's everlasting.

Peace to you.

If this has blessed you, can you please share for someone else to be blessed...

It's a great week. Good Morning to you!

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Relationship Friday: Dealing with Doubts

Relationship Friday: Dealing with Doubts

It's not really too easy for a person to change. I believe people can change. Change is a possibility. That influence is a reality makes change a possibility. But we have to agree that change in character isn't like the flip of a coin. People don't change easily.

What has that got to do with trust or doubt in marriage? It has got everything to do with it. It is expected that you know whoever you are giving such intimate and intricate relationship commitment to.

Marriage is life impacting to put it mildly. Marital decisions are never to be taken lightly or uninformed. They need considering every detail one can get before making commitments. It's like playing with fire and it can burn badly if handled without utmost care.

Premarital behavioural assessment is important beyond being swept into marital commitment by the euphoria of sensuality that may lack substance. You have to know what you are getting into.

Just as people don't change easily, so also people aren't known that easily. But people can be known. People can be known because it's not that easy to pretend or to put up an act for too long. With patience, people can be known, even if not totally, but to a large extent.

Doubts help in scrutinizing. Trust is earned. You can't discover too much without having a level of doubts that prompt questions. And those doubts come, but we often feel guilty having them and so not managing them properly.

When doubts are cleared by sound knowledge, you can be sure of what you are getting into. When doubts are confirmed, we know we should steer clear. But when people don't give room for doubts, the doubts don't get clarified and they walk on into trouble.

Trust comes by knowledge, just as faith comes by hearing. When we know who people are, we can make the decision to trust them and then make commitments if they are found trustworthy, they will hardly change, except for major influential impacts.

This must be the process that should lead into marital commitment. Many a times, people overlook the red flags. They doubt their doubts and refuse to see what is obvious and fall into trouble.

A marriage built on trust that came from knowledge has the tendency of being solid. The knowledge must be of both strengths and weaknesses. Of course, we can't have absolute knowledge of another person, we don't even have such knowledge of self, but we can know the fundamentals and see if it's what we can handle.

With that, doubts are minimised in marriage. Doubts in marriage are caused either by inadequate foreknowledge, major influence that can create change or personal insecurities.

The impact of doubts that have no basis can be devastating on a marriage. Trust can be so powerful too. Doubts create more reasons to doubt. Most people who feel doubted lose the impetus to disprove it and may see that as a license to freely do what they are being suspected of. Most people who feel trusted want to maintain that trust and may strive to become more trustworthy even when they struggle with things.

People who exercise doubts in marriage expose themselves to being doubted too. Most people won't trust someone who had shown distrust and doubts in them.

Relationships are sustained by trust. That's why we should strive also to envisage areas where we may be doubted and do our best to allay such fears in our spouses.

When we permit questionable and compromising situations, we put pressure on our spouses' ability to trust and cast doubts on their hearts even when they know us not to have such characters.

And we need not use lame excuses in trying to deal with doubts and suspicions when we are not ready to be truthful in dealing with the situation.

It means, those who would want to really keep their marriages healthy must trade truths all the time. They must understand that certain things are poisons to their marriages and those should not ever be done, no, not even in secret. Otherwise, any trust given is undeserved.

Trust is necessary for behaviors behind the scene. We only trust that unseen intentions are in our favor and not against us. We trust, being confident that behaviors we don't see or understand are not contrary to our interests. It is when those intentions and behaviors are what we think they are that trust is deserved. And each person knows if he or she is trustworthy or not, what we should do is to make sure we are, by being watchful of our intentions and behaviors behind the scenes.

We want our marriages to work and so we should not be throwing doubts everywhere like fiery darts. We should not be creating suspicious scenes too that engender doubts and fears. We should be more open and more communicating. What you aren't saying, shouldn't be coming out of the mouth or seen in any non verbal communication.

What we didn't doubt before marriage can cause trouble if we start doubting in marriage.

And if those doubts are quite founded, then ask questions and seek clarifications to restore trust and confidence.

And when you are being asked about such things, be truthful and open, don't wave it off. Deal with the doubts.

Let's make our marriages whole and healthy.

Have a glorious weekend.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Helpers of Faith

Ministry Wednesday: Helpers of Faith

2 Corinthians 1
24 Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand.

1 Corinthians 3
5 Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?

As ministers, we have our job cut out for us. We trade the word and the message from God to earn faith towards God in those we are sent to. We are helpers of people's faith, by us they believe in God.

We are sent for men and women to be confirmed and established in faith towards God knowing that without faith, it is absolutely impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6. Unbelief, worry and doubt in God displease Him.

The propagation of the knowledge of God's love and of His grace is meant to trigger faith in the hearer. Faith comes by hearing.

When our words communicate grace, people are able to see what's behind the curtain of the physical senses and relate properly with them, living here on the earth in consistency with those unseen realities.

God has sent us to get people to full persuasion that He who had made those promises is also able to perform them. Romans 4:20/21

We have been sent to speak the good news of Christ in His teachings and deeds, confirmed by His work on the cross and followed up by His High Priesthood position today, by which He is able to save them to the uttermost, who come to God through Him, seeing He lives on forever, making Intercession for them. Hebrews 7:25

The process of ministry is described so well in Romans 10:11-15. It begins with God's promise to save whosoever calls upon Him. But then, nobody would call on someone they had not believed. Calling on God or depending on Him for intervention is an act of faith based on what is believed. The quality of such a call or dependence is determined by the quality of knowledge the caller has and has believed.

But no one would believe what he hasn't heard. You have to hear first before you can believe. If we don't know that God exists or we have no report from Him, we won't have the opportunity to believe. If we make it up without hearing, we form dumb idols for ourselves and build on superstitions that don't have effect even if called upon. Isaiah said, who has believed our reports. Faith requires reports to believe.

That's why Jesus warned us to take heed how and what we hear, because when we have heard, there's a pressure put upon our faith faculty to believe and we can only give back what we have heard.

Yet, no one can hear any report except there be a reporter. It is when someone speaks that another hears. We don't expect people to believe what we have in our minds above what we say with out mouths. Someone must say it clearly to grant us the opportunity to hear, to believe and to act based on the information.

Yet, when it comes to God's word that produces the God kind of faith, messengers have to be sent. How shall they speak, except they are sent?

We are sent and that's why we are called ministers of God. We are sent to speak the truth of Christ in God. We are sent to speak of what God has done, what He is doing, what He can do and what He has laid in store for us in eternity.

He who comes to God must have been told that He is and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him.

We are to make the world see that, with God all things are possible. We are to help the people see the Kingdom of God where everything works supernaturally.

We are sent to build boldness and conviction in what God can do and in His unseen reality. We are sent not to deny the physical laws of nature but to let the world know that they don't stop God from doing whatever He would do on in the physical. We must let the world know that He that's from above is above all. We are not sent to make man believe in his weaknesses and imperfections again, but to help him believe in God's ability to create His will even through the weaknesses and the imperfections of mankind.

We are sent to make the world know that the physical world is a temporal arrangement but that an eternal arrangement has been made for us through Christ Jesus. Such a conviction is meant to help us make right assessments and choices concerning the things of this world.

We are not sent to tell the world that God is handicapped in helping them even today. If God isn't above the physical and the natural, what's the assurance that He can save from eternal destruction?

We aren't sent to preach faith in the physical and natural laws, such a job has been given to the academia, but to us we are sent to help people's faith in what the eyes and the other physical senses can't reach.

We are sent to help people explore their human capacity to believe and to apply that towards God who had wired us like that for the purpose of reaching Him by it.

If this is what we have been sent to do, then we have to be careful that we don't join them who overthrow the faith of people towards God. Read 2 Timothy 2:17-18 within its context.

We should not join them who teach that God does nothing for mankind anymore except to take them to heaven. We should not join those who still ask these days if God can furnish a table in the wilderness, limiting the Holy One of Israel. Psalm 78:19&41

Rather we must be good ministers of God, nourished up in the word of faith and of good doctrine 1 Tim 4:6

We must never permit corrupt communication to proceed out of our mouths but those that are capable of ministering grace to the hearer and not defeat and hopelessness in God. Our words must inspire understanding of God's will and the things He has provided and ready to do to cause faith in people.

We need not cook up fictions to drive home divine truth, we have enough promises and principles in God's word and in Christ to drive our narratives of faith. And to those who had walked with God, experiences of walking with the Holy Spirit daily furnishes testimonies of daily visitation and intervention.

Let's look again at the things we preach and teach and make sure that they are such that can trigger the kind of faith that calls upon God for His eternal salvation and His intervention in the troubles of this life. These are the possibilities available in God to everyone who believes in Him.

God is still alive, strong and He is still delivering people from their sins and troubles...and He won't deny Himself, He remains faithful and true! We must represent Him well and so help people's faith in Him. This is our job as ministers of God...

Let's do it!

Good morning servants of God!

Monday, 21 January 2019

Motivation Monday: The Need for Innovation

Motivation Monday: The Need for Innovation

Man was created into a big problem. The gap between the conditions of his creation and the possibilities and potentials in his world created a great natural need for solution. He has to travel from what was to what is possible that God had made for him.

It still follows the fundamental principle and purpose of man's creation and the nature of divine infrastructure within which he was created.

God created the plant life in seed form, rain hadn't fallen and the earth needed man to till it, according to Genesis chapter 2.

What this means is that the potential of the earth needs man to be actualized. God created everything man would need in seed form, thereby creating a problem for man to solve. The development of the world was created in potential form, man must innovate to free it and maximise that potential to fulfilment.

We also saw that, when God created man, He blessed Him, and told them to be fruitful, to multiply, to fill the earth up again and to subdue it for his dominion. Genesis 1.

That blessing is the empowerment to bring man to a place where he'll make the universe what God had intended, which He began to create with the creation of man.

So, man was made a solution provider. He was made to use what he had to create what is yet to be. He should improvise and innovate to overcome his environmental challenges. He will live less than what God had planned for him if he fails to innovate.

This is the primary work God has for man on the earth. When we speak of work, it should have a background of problem solving, no matter what area of human existence such work is to be done.

Even if we speak of commerce, it must be to trade in innovations. We must move away from where Adam and Eve left us and invest time in research and development to create better environment and societies for ourselves, this is where businesses that will break boundaries and forge new frontiers are created.

Within the conflicts, the troubles and the problems within which we subsist lies greatness. These things we view as negative tell us what is possible that we are yet to see or experience.

A wise man once said, thirst is a sign that water exists. The problem is a sign that the solution is possible and available. But we must think without the box of what we have seen before. We must have the faith for the impossible, we must have the faith for the invisible.

These are not just religious parlance taught from church doctrines, rather, they are the essence of our being here while we and the earth remain.

We need not cut corners, but we may need to break taboos and redefine cultures to find solutions to our basic problems. We may need to break the rigidity of traditions and conservatism and to review whatever modernism that cover the truth of what can be that are not yet.

We must study what has been discovered and understand them so they can become tools for unraveling what we need that are yet hidden which we must search out diligently.

This is work. When we run our businesses to provide solutions with new methods and perspectives we set pace within the industry.

Nations must own their technologies and innovations otherwise they remain subservient to those who own theirs. They must develop their resources to solve their moral, social, economic and political problems in order to move into what God has laid in store while this generation lasts.

Businesses and startups must ride on the back of new technologies in every sector otherwise they'll be left behind.
We must think. Envisage problems, and seek the solutions to sell. The future must be seen today and the wise must position self not to be punished. King Solomon said, the wise man foresees evil ahead and hides, but the simple goes on and is punished. The power of foresight is what makes leaders in different sectors. They see, they discover the keys and they sell it.

A friend of Job said, there is a spirit in man, the inspiration of the almighty gives him understanding. That's the way innovation comes. Inspiration by the Spirit of God will shed light on the mind of the thinking man, to communicate what's on the eternal program to be released in its time. When a heart connects with that inspiration, new ways and things to move the earth on its eternal course are birthed.

Think about it... And let it guide the work we do. So many areas of challenges are waiting for apostles to break their grounds, not just preaching apostles but apostles in those areas where man still seek solutions.

This is the work we are called to do, let's do it in our own little spaces.

It's a great week... Let's go solve some problems, shed some light in darkness and birth things from the mind of God for mankind!

Good day to you!

Friday, 18 January 2019

Relationship Friday: Communicating Love

Relationship Friday: Communicating Love

Communication and Love are two big words, with each capable of filling many books if we are to keep expatiating. Today, we are combining the two because of their unique relationship.

Love is powered by communication. Any relationship that takes communication for granted will be handicapped and can easily be destroyed. Every relationship that would produce its fruits must pay attention to communication and make sure it is kept healthy, effective and efficient.

The complexities of communication these days make it even more imperative. We are in a world where you need to read deeper to understand writers, if there's a generation where you need to read in between the lines like never before, it is ours. We are in a generation where silence is laden with meanings. It is a world where verbal and non verbal communications would conflict and you are bound to follow the verbal even if the body language is screaming something else, since you can't tender a body language in the court of law? We are in a world where diplomatic language and political correctness hold sway in our communications and lots of people with sinister motives use these to manipulate the non assuming. What about subliminal communications? There are subliminal communications that the receivers can't control, all to manipulate the recipients in favor of the originator.

Besides, interpretations may not depend on speakers again, it is what the society calls it that it is and not what the interpretation used to be. There are words that don't mean what they meant anymore. Language is evolving even if our languages remain what they had always been.

This is impacting on marriages and relationships at a very significant rate. And to keep your love and home you must learn how to hear, how to respond, how to master silence, how to interpret both verbal and non verbal communications and respond or react adequately. You must master the language of your spouse and that of the relationship. You must learn to ask powerful questions that can drive conversations without animosity. All towards enthroning love and peace in your marriage.

Communication is the art of passing and receiving information, effectiveness in communication however is in doing it in such a way as to empower the recipients to respond and react intelligently.

To a manipulator, successful communication is that which diabolically boxes the recipient into a corner where response is bound to be in his or her favor using every tactic in the box.

Jesus Christ said, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. He said, a good man, out of the good treasures of the heart, he brings forth good things and so is an evil person. He said a bad person can't speak good things until such is made good on the inside.

Love communication begins with a heart of love. Though we often are carried away by the endearing words but we must learn to listen with the heart. Heart must communicate with heart.

Lessons in communication tells us that we must say what we mean and mean what we say. We must learn to make our words our bond. We are ensnared by the words of our mouth, so we must say what we mean. Don't say yes, when you mean to say no.

We must hear properly. We must not hear what the other person isn't saying. And if we aren't sure, then we use the power of questions to seek clarity. Sometimes we may have to verbalise a non verbal chat. We may have to question some body languages to clarify issues.

Assumptions, suspicions and superstitions are the three demons of ineffective communication. Don't leave room for them. Don't let your spouse start assuming or suspecting your moves. Why let the other person read meanings when you can tell the meaning?

Try always to avoid assumptions and suspicions rather ask questions and confront issues for clarification.

When information isn't adequately given, either in content or in timing, the recipient has no way of reacting correctly even with the best intentions. The reaction of the recipient is handicapped and can be dangerous and troublesome. You don't expect your spouse to care for a sore you didn't declare expecting him or her to find out by the Spirit. That's not fair.

I understand that we always hear what we had already heard. We hardly hear what we haven't heard before except we deliberately listen. That's why if 10 people hear the same thing, the feedback may show 10 different hearings and none may actually tally with the things said.
That the power of listening. We hear but we may not listen and so our minds repeat what has been stored. When we listen, we engage our minds to capture what is being said and so the mind engages the ear to hear on its behalf so we can intelligently store, process and react to what's been said.

Make sure you listen to your spouse. We are often so distracted these days. Mobile phones, TV, hurriedness to meet up with appointments, tiredness after work, etc eat into our listening concentration. They also don't permit us say to one another all the good things in our hearts. We need to manage that better to strengthen our relationships.

We should therefore engage repetitions and feedbacks adequately. Saying the same things over and over has a way of making things stick but repetition should be used responsibly, it shouldn't be used negatively to inflame conflicts. There are issues that need no repetitions. Once they are mentioned, they should never be mentioned again to save love. Forcing some issues will bring strife and not love.

Nagging doesn't work any good. Yet, it's also a way of using repetitions to drive home points. Usually the points is driven into the wrong part of the mind of the other person to instigate hatred and not love. It should be avoided.

In all, always seek to write the vision plainly so that your spouse can read and react to it as expected. When we talk about things, we find solutions and progress. Let's engage it.

The most powerful three word sentence in any language is 'I love you', say it often and mean it from your heart... If your mouth is held up, use your eyes, if you can't use the eyes, use your body... Whatever happens, tell the one you call wife or husband... I love you...

Can you please close this page now and at least send a message to your spouse? Copy this, paste and send now...

I love you...

Thank you. God bless your relationship with His unconditional and unfailing love.

Happy Weekend!

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Ministry Wednesday: Consider Him who had Sent

Ministry Wednesday: Consider Him who had Sent

Judges 6
14 And the LORD looked upon him(Gideon), and said, Go in this thy might, and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites: have not I sent thee?

The preaching of the gospel and the work of the ministry should be seen not as a part time hobby or a volunteer occupation. It isn't an extra curricula activity fit only for retirees. It isn't something done when there's nothing else to do.

Rather it is what we are sent to do. It is something committed to us as a responsibility to carry out. It is a thing that requires obedience, it is a command. No wonder, Paul, the apostle said, woe be him, if he preached not the gospel.

The consciousness that we are sent must consistently be in our mentality as ministers of God. And even more importantly, that we have been sent by God.

This should give us a sense of accountability as we go about with what we have been called to do. We must move with the mentality that God expects us to accomplish certain things for Him in the project of the salvation of mankind and bringing people to the knowledge of the truth within the time we have here.

We should have that sense of urgency that we don't have all the time in eternity to reach our world with the gospel for which we were created and sent.

We must also have the confidence that comes with the sense of being sent. It isn't a personal initiative. It isn't something we do just because we feel we can do it or because it looks good to be done. We were sent and we didn't send ourselves.

We must also go with the mindset that it is the highest authority ever who had sent us, an authority that isn't subservient to any other. An authority backed with omnipotence and divine sovereignty.

That's why He told Gideon, go in this your strength, go and win the war and bring deliverance, since I am the one who had sent you.

He didn't send us without power and necessary might. He had sent us, backing us up with every authority available. He sat down to count the cost, He understood the terrain and the challenges every commission would have before sending us and He had made adequate and necessary provisions to assure success.

We are the ones who must walk in the consciousness of the fact that we have been sent, with the boldness and the confidence that we have been sent by God.

He is telling us to go and get the job done without fear because it is He who had sent us.

We'll face all sorts of challenges, difficulties, oppositions, threats, necessities but we should always consider the One who has sent us, His faithfulness, His love, His omnipotent power and His authority.

Faith rises as a result, releasing the power allocated and activating the process designed to meet every need for the accomplishment of the will of Him who has sent us.

Because we are sent by Him, we represent Him in that for which He has sent us and we are received or rejected on His behalf as receiving or rejecting Him. We don't take such personal, He can defend Himself.

So servant of God, go in this might, go and do the incredible through God, live the life, preach the word, deliver the message, do all He has sent you to do, don't be afraid, He has sent you and He won't be unfaithful. He has sent us and nothing is strong enough to send us back, we should never let anything send us back.

Good morning.

John 15
16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

Monday, 14 January 2019

Motivation Monday: Start with a Vision, Walk on by Faith

Motivation Monday: Start with a Vision, Walk on by Faith

"All experts are experts on what was. There is no experts on what will be. To become an expert in what will be, vision must replace experience" - David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime Minister

If we are to travel in time into the future 100 years ahead, what are we going to see? What kind of transportation will be in use? What kind of models would businesses run with? What kind of infrastructures would the world be living by? What kind of service delivery would we see? What would we see in medicine, in engineering, in agriculture, in education, in entertainment? How would the world be in a hundred years? Can you conceive it?

Now, all things being equal, if rapture doesn't happen between now and then, things would be quite different from what we see today and definitely and gradually, we are traveling down that road and there's nothing we can do about it, not about the changes that we'll see.

The truth is that, it'll take human activities to get mankind to that place. It won't be by folding hands doing nothing and expecting it. People must and will take responsibility and take the lead. But those who take the lead will be kings when we get there. Those who took the lead yesterday are called first world today. And the rest work for them.

That had always been the way. Now in the beginning, when God blessed man to be fruitful and multiply, the blessing became a pregnancy in man and as each generation gives birth, the world is replenished till we got where we are today.

We didn't discover electricity the first day we got here, so also we are yet to discover lots of things embedded already in the spirit of humanity by God with which to replenish the earth.

But how did it come to the thoughts of those who brought these things out to develop our world to where it is today? Because the mind only processes what's in the past. The mind is expert in working with what has already been done or what had happened and not what is yet to happen.

It wasn't what was that made the world this developed, they are the things that never were. Each generation gives birth to new things, leaving the past behind as we move into their future.

The truth is that these things we call new had been in the mind of God from eternity which He inseminated into the spirit of mankind to develop and be delivered of in their due times and seasons.

Whenever a thing is to be born, the conception comes into the consciousness of those who are aware. They don't have to be those being celebrated at the time for past discoveries. They may be nobodies in society but they are always filled with weird imaginations of strange possibilities and seeing visions others are struggling to see.

There's always a struggle between what was and what is to be. The old would want to maintain its reign while the new king would be knocking, exciting the consciousness beyond what it had known.

"The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it Intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why."-Albert Einstein

The intellect analyses what has been, which the mind has recorded but the spirit of man brings us to that place of the realities which are beyond us.

1 Corinthians 2
9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.
12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

There has to be a revelation of what has been prepared. This is what is called vision. It is beyond the intelligence of man, it is the wisdom of God. It is seeing the invisible, it is beyond what eyes can see or the ear can hear, it can't be touched or felt, it doesn't live outside the spirit realm.

Imagine those who discovered what we spend years to study in schools today, many didn't have a degree, they were sometimes unschooled but they were also very inquisitive. They wondered why. They asked questions. They may even be so blinded by their "delusions" that they fail exams and were discredited by their tutors who won't see what they saw. But those things filled the world and move the world to where it is.

Tomorrow belong to those kind of people. Some people groups have discovered these. They understand that the future isn't what has been experienced. They understand that the past isn't wealthy no matter how many billions it has gotten, the wealth is in the unseen future while the past is decaying and going into oblivion. Mankind is sustained by the future and for the future and not by its past.

Isaiah 42
9 Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.

Isaiah 43
19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

It means only the people of faith, not the people of religion own the future. Those who can believe the incredible, those who can see the invisible, those who can walk by faith and not by sight. They are the owners of the future. They are not consumers, they are producers. They are not eaters, they are fruit bearers. They give birth... (Those who won't give birth in the realm we speak of will go into oblivion and extinction even if they have the majority in human population.)

They are those searching, watching for what's coming, not just what has been. They aren't news readers, they are prophets, they don't feed on dead news, they live on visions and prophecies.

They are searchers. Researchers. And they rule, nothing rules over them.

Proverbs 25
2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

If they look backwards, it is so that they can extract what the future needs from the past. Electricity has been here before mankind came. But because of the future, some had to go search for it to bring the world into its future. Those researchers are the kings of the future.

We must learn the ways of vision. We must learn the ways of the spirit. We must connect with the spirit of wisdom to enjoy that leap in our consciousness in order to connect with what would be in the future and then walk with those by faith as we march into the future.

Humanity will still experience a new heaven and a new earth. We would still be clothed with a glorious body that travels at the speed of thoughts and live eternally. Not by the works of the intellect but by the rebirth of the human spirit so that it can work with the Invisible to birth the things that has been prepared.

This can start with the endeavor in your hand right now. Start with the vision of the invisible connect at the watchtower of the spirit and walk on by faith and not by sight into the future prepared... The future is larger but it is beyond what eyes have seen... Strive to lead the way!

Good morning and welcome into a new week!

Friday, 11 January 2019

Relationship Friday: The Sweetness of Marriage

Relationship Friday: The Sweetness of Marriage

I have heard it over and over that marriage is overrated. I haven't experienced that though, rather I feel there's so much more that the ride can offer, that we aren't even scratching yet. There's a sweetness in marriage that every couple knows it's possible deep inside. It's like you need to scratch that part of your back where your finger can hardly touch but you aren't quite getting it. You know the joy of getting relief from scratching a part of your skin that's hitching and no one can say deriving such satisfaction is overrated.

There's sweetness in marriage be it the sex without guilt, being naked and not being ashamed? Is it the companionship, holding and having? Is it the shoulder to lean on when weary or someone to protect and to care for?

Is it the friendship and the fondness, the likeness that feels good within, both to give and to receive? Is it the hands to hold or the body to cuddle? Is the beautiful thoughts in the mind concerning the other person?

 What about the freedom to be all of you before another imperfect person who takes you as you are? What about the forgiveness and the forbearing? What about the childish plays between adults even as grandparents?

The list goes on and on, to how you got that help and comfort from your spouse in time of loss, disappointment, troubles, frustration, depressions and failures without being used against you. To the times you got reassurances and confidence boost of faith and belief from him or her. Even the joy of being there for each other and that mutual sense of being responsible.

These joys, many times, are hardly gotten with such rigid assurance from other people with whom we don't have such depth of commitment but from someone with who we had gone to the extent of marriage.

I'm not speaking of the negative sense of entitlement that places demands on one's spouse. But the joyful thoughts that someone actually would willingly put herself or himself in that position to take all your messes and filth at such a close range with little room for manoeuvring and still be ready to give all the joys without complaining... That's sweetness!

One may ask, 'Are you saying every marriage should be like what you have described here?' Well, yes. Every marriage should be like that and it won't start with your husband or your wife but with you!

You both should first of all have a vision of such a marriage because marriage has that to offer, probably even much more than I have said here. You should, however, know that it won't fall on you like ripe mangoes. It takes commitment from each of you as individuals and from both of you as a tag team.
It takes translating that commitment to practicality through efforts, both joint efforts and personal efforts. It takes work to squeeze out the juice of sweetness from the fruit of marriage.

Samson in the Bible said, 'Out of the strong came forth sweetness and out of the eater came forth food'

Marriage is as a basket full of juicy fruits from where wines should be made to bring sweetness and gladness. Our unions should be winepresses where work is done to bring forth the juice people would drink into with joy.

But as Pastors Femi and Shola Oladipo said in their new book, Connection, not Perfection, many marriages' toolboxes are either empty or scanty. So, they don't have what to work with. I guess some don't even have toolboxes thinking the wedding suits and the dresses aren't work clothes. They had planned to live literally together happily ever after without lifting a finger.

To many of such people, marriage will be overrated because of the misconceptions of how to get the wine out of the fruits. They'll discover that they have had the thoughts of lemonade but had been given lemons and not knowing that the lemonade is in the lemon, they throw the lemon away with the lemonade.

You may need to understand how to squeeze the juice, and it's such that the sweetness keeps getting better as it ages, if you know how to grind and squeeze it out.

The work is in giving the sweetness, without selfishness or a sense of entitlement, to someone with whom you have both made commitments of marital sweetness.

That's why it's good for one to know what the other thinks marriage is before getting into it. Someone to marry isn't someone to serve you and to exploit even if the other person is ready to serve, honor, submit, care and protect you.

Just as you need to know what the other person thinks marriage to be, you too ought also to know what marriage is all about. It isn't a selfish trip, it is a 'we' thing and not a 'me' thing.

If you don't have the capacity for unconditional love, you may not be ready for marriage. If you don't have the willingness to give and to forgive selflessly, then marriage may not be for you except you develop that capacity.

If you don't have the capacity to desire and work for the betterment of another person sometimes at your own expense willingly, without feeling cheated or deprived, you may not be ready for marriage.

But when each of you first, and then after, both of you, get to that point where you are ready to be so to one another then you are ready for that sweetness.

That point where each understands that he or she doesn't have a right over himself or herself but the spouse, where it means that you have cheated and defrauded just for depriving the other person what's yours... That point, the juice will start dripping and dropping and soon it'll become a pool where others can fetch from for their own satisfaction.

Folks, there's sweetness in marriage, don't despise it. You won't find it in living outside marriage trying to dramatise it like in a movie until you give and get that commitment and get down to the winepress and squeeze out the wine...

Would you think about this? Start this weekend. God bless you greatly! Happy weekend.

"The marriage bed must be a place of mutuality—the husband seeking to satisfy his wife, the wife seeking to satisfy her husband. Marriage is not a place to “stand up for your rights.” Marriage is a decision to serve the other, whether in bed or out. -Apostle Paul to the church at Corinth

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Ministry Wednesday: The Way into the Deep

Ministry Wednesday: The Way into the Deep

Psalms 42
7 Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.

8 Yet the LORD will command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life.

There is a secret place where the Most High dwells, there He wants us to be. His waters are in the deep, from where we must serve His own. His realms are beyond the eyes of men, yet from there we must show forth His grace.

The flesh knows not the way. The intellect cannot decipher it. It's not in the wisdom of the wise. It's not in the cravings of man's desires. His ways are past finding out, covered in the veil of light from the activities of the sons of men. The Place is far from the religions of men, they only grope except He shows His face.

We, by way of ministry are called to show the way. We are called to break through the veil and to serve both sides the divide. We are raised to lead men there, where they'll be one with the Invisible. We are to pierce through the darkness and bring light from the deep. Not to be satisfied with the ephemeral but to go beyond the facade because of the people He loves.

So where is the way to the deep? How do we pierce the darkness? We must first understand that the way is not in us. It is in Him. It is Him and He must bid us come. We must seek Him to find it out. Seeking Him daily, moment by moment. When we reach Him, we then can follow His footsteps and darkness becomes light to us.

He didn't call us to grope, He called us to follow. He didn't call us into darkness but into light. He has called us into the Way, He, the way! He bids us come!

But we must strip the veil. We must peel the flesh for He dwells in the spirit and not even in our minds. He dwells not in the letter, He dwells in the sprit. Yet the mind will lead the way, the letter will tell.
We must go beyond that which make men sons of wrath, we must go beyond the desires of the flesh and of the mind, we are no more children of wrath by nature.

We must not fight as one who beats the air, we must not run as one who runs for no prize. If we are to serve that which would survive the test of fire, building with gold, silver and precious stones that are hewn from the quarries of the deep.

We must not have confidence in the flesh being of the circumcision which is not by hands but of those who worship God in the spirit.

The way is to mortify the flesh and to put it under if we are to fight with utmost certainty and run for the prize. Here, the belly must not become God. Here, we must set our eyes on things above and not on things on the earth. Here, we must choose who we would serve, God or mammon. Surfeiting and drunkenness won't make it here. One day fast, six days flesh, or six days fast and one day flesh, none would do. He will only keep him in perfect peace whose mind is constantly and consistently stayed on Him, who depends totally on Him in all things. No leaven defiling the lump.

Not by fleshly anger against the unrighteous which sent Moses into the desert as a fugitive, but by the zeal of the house of God that consumes, which cleansed the house of God of blood sucking merchant men.

It is this zeal that consumes the things of the world and fires up the love of the Father within. That sets aside and sanctifies from the gold, the girls and the fleshly glory that blind. It is the fire that burns up the lusts of the eyes, the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life.

So that the Apostle won't be a novice filled with pride unto destruction and the prophet won't be filled with lying spirits but speak the truth in and out of the spirit. So that the evangelist won't be trapped and be converted in worldliness, the pastor won't fleece the sheep to satisfy his lusts and the teacher won't serve itching ears to line his pocket and his popularity.

So that none will be a cast away after preaching to others.

The zeal of the Lord is the Spirit of the Lord. The One we are born of, by whose winds we are borne. The One who fills us up, who also bathes us in His fiery fluidity, like an engine filled with oil but would also work in oil. His rivers come from the deep and flows into the depths leading us there with His quickening. He leads into the deep, He fills us and flows out of us to satisfy the thirsts of His people. Without Him we can't serve. It's Him we serve. Without Him the plates are empty and the people hunger still. His river is the way into the Deep, He reveals through the reflections of His sur-Face, we follow His river into the deep as it ministers life to His people flowing out of our own bellies too.

Choose the deep. There is the secret place, close to the heart of the Father, though hidden from the sight of men. Even if not popular, those who should know will know. Even if not for show, those who should see will see. And there shall be fulfilment and not casting away.

Good morning servants of God, Most High!

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Sharing God's Perspective on Work

Divine Perspective to Work

God has been a worker. He worked six days at creation and rested on the seventh. Jesus said, hitherto my Father works and I work also.
Through work, God created man. And the purpose of man's creation was to continue the work where God stopped after six days.

Genesis 2
4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and THERE WAS NOT A MAN TO TILL THE GROUND.

6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

7 AND THE LORD GOD FORMED MAN of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. (Emphasis mine)

Man was made to continue where God had stopped. We must be clear about the origin of work. Work isn't a result of the fall of man.

But work was primarily affected by the fall of man. The fall took God out of the scene and just as it stripped man of his supernatural covering, it also took man away from supernatural providence. He would have to work to eat and to die working without corresponding results. That wasn't the original essence of work.

Genesis 3
17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;

19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

The repercussions of Adam's failure was that work will assume a new role in his life. His body which wasn't made for work will replace his spirit that was made for it. In his labor, the earth won't cooperate with him any longer. The work he would do from thence on won't bring the commensurate outcome. The work would wreck his body. The word 'sorrow' there is health related, not just emotional. And the ground would swallow the body up after the work would have killed him.

This is because God didn't plan that he would feed on his works. God doesn't feed on His own works. God doesn't receive a salary after every 7 or 30 days of work. God went on to plant a garden for him and put in there everything he would ever need, while he continued where God stopped until he fell.

He fell because he used what was meant for something else for food. He fell because he allocated resources badly. He fell because he mismanaged divine resources. He fell by eating what was not meant for food. He was a manager of God's resources but he failed at basic management. We should learn.

What the arrangement showed us is that, though we have the power to work, and continue creation as our basic purpose for living, we are also to continue to depend on God for our sustenance.

Work is empowering. It makes us like God. It makes us creators, explorers, providers, and so on. God made work so powerful. You can't work without power, either spiritual, mental or physical. Work is a sign of power. It had the ability to create and dominate, it can enrich and create wealth. It also has the capacity to create an object of worship. It can become in itself an independent figure of worship. Most nations that won't recognize the existence of God usually replace Him with work.

Man has the penchant of worshiping the work of his hands. 'What can God do for me,' he asks, 'when I can create it for myself'.

God through work created man, and man in turn is making gods for himself by work.

No matter what we can make from work, we must never forget that it's all because of God. We must constantly depend on God and not just on the works of our hands lest we slip into idolatry.

God made the promised land a place where you have to depend on God to survive.

Deuteronomy 11
10 For the land, whither thou goest in to possess it, is not as the land of Egypt, from whence ye came out, where thou sowedst thy seed, and wateredst it with thy foot, as a garden of herbs:

11 But the land, whither ye go to possess it, is a land of hills and valleys, and drinketh water of the rain of heaven:

12 A land which the LORD thy God careth for: the eyes of the LORD thy God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year.

13 And it shall come to pass, if ye shall hearken diligently unto my commandments which I command you this day, to love the LORD your God, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul,

14 That I will give you the rain of your land in his due season, the first rain and the latter rain, that thou mayest gather in thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil.

15 And I will send grass in thy fields for thy cattle, that thou mayest eat and be full.

16 Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them;

It should be clear, from that passage the mind of the jealous God concerning man's work.

God doesn't take pleasure in the strength of a horse or in the legs of a man.

Psalms 147
7 Sing unto the LORD with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God:

8 Who covereth the heaven with clouds, who prepareth rain for the earth, who maketh grass to grow upon the mountains.

 9 He giveth to the beast his food, and to the young ravens which cry.

10 He delighteth not in the strength of the horse: he taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man.

11 The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy.

The strength of a horse and the legs of a man represent human efforts without God, and God frowns at it.

God never permitted the sound of an anvil in the vicinity of the temple site while building, the works of man must never take the glory of God otherwise it becomes idolatry. 1kings 6:7, Isaiah 42:8

However, Work can never lose its relevance. To be fruitful and to multiply, to replenish the earth, to subdue it, we must work; it's divine commandment. But we need to share divine perspectives so as not to abuse work and expect it to replace God's providence even if it comes through work.

We should learn from Job, who though was one of the richest in his days and prospered greatly from his labor would still attribute all to God's blessings and providence. To him, it is a denial of God to look to the work of his hands. Hear him...

Job 31
24 If I have made gold my hope, or have said to the fine gold, Thou art my confidence;

25 If I rejoiced because my wealth was great, and because mine hand had gotten much;

26 If I beheld the sun when it shined, or the moon walking in brightness;

27 And my heart hath been secretly enticed, or my mouth hath kissed my hand:

28 This also were an iniquity to be punished by the judge: for I should have denied the God that is above.

Let's keep our faith in God's providence while we make the pursuit of His purposes and reason as our daily work. We'll see Him planting gardens around us demonstrating His power and wisdom to take care of us.

We should work, because that's why He made us here, but we should trust Him as if we are weak and dependent only on Him. In that we would be thankful for every single benefit He loads us with daily and not worship the works of our hands in idolatry.

Good morning!
Watch out for the book on Divine Providence coming later this year by God's grace...

Monday, 7 January 2019

Monday Motivation: Prepare Your Way Before God

Monday Motivation: Prepare Your way before God

2 Chronicles 27
6 So Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the LORD his God.

2 Chronicles 26
5 And he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God: and as long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper.

Different things may have made people prosper and made many mighty but the top of the list should be God.
The difference God makes is that His blessings make rich and add no sorrow. He sets His edge around whatever He has done and maintains it so long the conditions are met and maintained.

The passages quoted attributed the prosperity and the greatness of the subjects to their seeking God and preparing their ways before God.

The psalmist said, commit your ways unto the Lord, trust also in Him and He will bring it to pass.

We may have all things sorted out based on our limited knowledge and wisdom of experience but we have assurance of a positive outcome when we are in sync with God, the all knowing, the only wise. When we walk with God on a journey He has ordained, we know we can't end up at a dead end.

The best time to do this is before we commence whatever project. As we prepare, we put God first and we consult with Him. Consultation doesn't always need seeing people to ask about what's on God's mind for us. In the corner of our closets, we can have a word with God so long it is heartfelt, sincere and in faith.

Consulting with God would fine tune the plans to such that He can invest in. He is full of wisdom and power by which any project can come to fulfilment and success. And the only purpose for which He is so powerful and wise is to establish the things He has ordained. The purpose of His power is to establish His will...

So when we prepare our ways before the Lord, He becomes involved from the onset. Our dreams becomes the extension of His, we become employees of His project and if we would continue, we are sure of success and His reward.

As we begin another year, it's important that before we go too far, we find security in preparing our ways before God. We need to acknowledge Him in all our ways so He can direct our paths accordingly Proverbs 3:6

Now we have access to Him through the blood of Christ Jesus and the Spirit of the Lord has been given to us to lead, to teach and to guide, we have access to information concerning the will of God even regarding the most physical issues of life that can be beneficial to mankind.

Let's take advantage of this and seek God to prepare our way before the Lord with the expectation of success and greatness. We need not waste divine providence, we are to ride on it into fulfillment.

It is a great year ahead of us as we follow God into it.

Have a great day!

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Set my heart on fire for you, oh God, fill me with your fullness, grant me a tongue of fire to speak your word ... Do the incredible through me to reach the world for your Christ this year...

Thursday, 3 January 2019

A Closer Walk with God

A Closer Walk with God

Whatever your list of goals for the new year may look like, the first should be to walk closer with God.
If truly we believe that He is the Creator and the owner of all that we desire to have and to become, then nothing else should satisfy us than He.
I speak of a closer walk with God, however, we should actually deal first with the issue of walking with God before talking about walking closer with Him.
We heard of Enoch, who walked with God and was not because God took him. Twice, in Genesis 5, it was said of Enoch that he walked with God, I'm sure it's for emphasis. It was that which informed us of walking with God. There is something so called walking with God that has the capacity to impact upon a life.

[My Offline Bible] 1 John 1
5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

From that scripture we can see that walking with God  can be said to be how our fellowship with God impacts the daily steps we take in our lives, lifestyles and daily living.

We can't have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness because He is light. Light here speaks of that  perfecting holiness in the fear of God that is revealed by the absence of sin, the filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit.
[My Offline Bible] 2 Corinthians 7
1 Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

Our walk with God makes cleansing automatic. It is grace for "cheap" holiness for those thirsty insatiably for God's righteousness.

It's sweet to know that if we walk in the spirit we wouldn't fulfill the desires of the flesh. Our constant fellowship with God deprives the flesh it's capacity to influence our decisions and actions, rather the Spirit of God and the nature of God through the word of God dominate the boardroom of our lives helping us to take decisions in sync with God's will.

How do you walk with an invisible person? Walking with God can't be totally visible, because only one of the actors is visible. The effect however will be clear to all to see. To walk with God you have to come to Him by faith. Faith is the device used to relate with  spiritual invisibility. You have to believe in what you can't see or experience. You will need to depend on revelations from that realm. It's a realm that sees you without you seeing into it, a realm that controls what you can know about it.

You can't walk with God on your own terms, otherwise the walk will be powered by ignorance which is susceptible to superstitions, suspicions, suppositions and assumptions. Rather we walk with God based on the revelation of His Word which is Christ and the operations of the Holy Spirit.

[My Offline Bible] 1 Corinthians 2
11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

So walking with God requires the knowledge of God's word in Christ and a deep and sincere knowledge and relationship with the Holy Spirit.

The place of fellowship with God is key. Like it has been said, it is by faith in God's word. The fellowship is of the Spirit of God who helps in facilitating it between us and God. It involves communication and interactions between the parties. It is an inside thing and not an outside thing for the believer. It isn't a show we do, it isn't of activities no matter how religious or spiritual it may seem, it is an inside thing.
[My Offline Bible] Isaiah 26
3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

The mind of one who walks with God is stayed on Him because of absolute trust. No distractions, no second thought, no hidden desires, no alternate plans, God is all in all, God is the totality and the summary of desires and aspirations, it's God or nothing and God is all things. God is the reason for everything, He is the reason for every desire or need.

With that we can't have enough of inner intermingling with God on a consistent basis. We can't have enough of God, we can't have a subject matter or a project too physical or secular to get God into. The fellowship with God within becomes a haven and a covert from the stresses of life and from there wisdom and power are drawn to deal with the issues of life.

To the one walking with God, prayer is breath, unconscious, intrinsic and unconditional. Prayer beyond asking and pleading for mundane things while deeper issues are being discussed, yet nothing is too carnal to bring to the table, nothing is too big to bring once the ultimate is secured which is the consistency of fellowship with the Ultimate Himself!

And all these affect the man walking with God as He begins to reflect the very essence of God in His light and holiness to the world, the wisdom and the power of God becomes easy to flow in and prayer and intercession become effective through knowledge. Walking with God automatically engages the blood of Jesus and the whole system of spiritual transformation in gradually but consistently chipping of caked deposits of sin and unsurmountable evil habits and lifestyle in the process of conformity to God we walk with. You eventually become like whoever you walk with and it's no different with God.

[My Offline Bible] Proverbs 13
20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

Here God is the dominant influencing factor and the process of sticking with Him in fellowship consistently without distraction imposes His character on us replacing humanity and it's flaws with divinity and it's perfection!

This is the answer to present day challenges and the possibility lays before us to explore to our excellence.

Happy New year again!

(From this day 2017)