Tuesday, 19 November 2019

God Has a Plan for You

Ministry Wednesday: God Has a Plan for You. 

I was 52 two days ago, it has been a great time of meditation and reflection for me. It afforded me to do appraisals and make projections. I was able to recheck on the places I'd been, the people I've met, the events that I'd gone through and the times and seasons of my life so far.

I'd seen the practicality of different people's roles, efforts and effects in my life. How they came into my life, the values they command and the values they left. Those sent to me and those I was sent to. Those who journeyed with me and those we are still running together. Those I wished I never met, though necessary and those I wished could be there forever but would only be for a time. 

I'd looked back at places I've been to and being through. The effect of each on my life, growth, development and maturity. My arrivals and my departures, my connections and my disconnections, both those I made happen and those I simply had no control over.

The events of my life, actions, reactions, consequences and repercussions and how these have shaped my outlook to life, management of relationships and how they had reformed me.

All these in the times and in the seasons so far in my life.

The people, the places, the events and the seasons in life being the basic factors of life's destiny can be sure measures for life's appraisals. The level of management given to these interwoven factors of destiny determines what outcome one has in life and in fulfilling divine purposes in life.
Looking back I realise that God sure has a plan for every life, for everything brought in to and working in our lives.

During some very terrible times of my life, that truth was an anchor for me: the fact that God has a plan and a purpose for my life. We know what God told the children of Israel when in an uncertain captivity in Babylon... How He, through Jeremiah, the prophet said I know the thoughts or plan, I have toward you, the plan to prosper you, plan of good and not of evil, to give you hope and an expected end. 

I believe that's true for everyone. And it is soothing to know that God is powerful enough to bring that plan to pass, whatever the plan is and whatever the route and the giants and the demons on the way.

I've realised that the only thing that's too powerful than the plan is the individual. Because in spite of God having a plan, the individual too has his or her own plans even if he or she isn't omnipotent, which means it'll end in disaster or become susceptible to satanic hijacking and at best could only produce personal comfort and not divine purpose or pleasure.

In time of trouble, its often difficult to remember that God has a plan. It was tough for the Israelites in Babylonian captivity to be able to know anything about God's plan for them. They would have rather wondered if God was faithful. And so, that season became a time for God to remind them that a plan was hatching that will eventually be in their favour.

I have realised that if we can allow God, if we can let go and let God, if we can trust His plan and work closely with the Holy Spirit as He leads us, incredible things can happen in spite of our pains, disappointments and mistakes. God can make our outcomes to be beyond our difficulties and errors, if we let Him

The Holy Spirit is the manager of our destinies. He is the wind who blows us in the direction of God's plan for our lives. He knows who we should connect to per time, He knows where we should be per time, He knows what we should make happen and how to react and relate with the events of our lives we have no control over. 
He is the one who knows when the show is over at any point on the journey and when a next phase will be starting. He knows the times of sabbath, He knows the times of labour. He has our future sorted, He has an inventory of all that has been prepared for us, things that eyes have not seen, that ears have not heard, things that had jot entered into the imagination of men's minds... And He knows when each will come and how we should connect with them.

In all, He knows how to work all the factors together for our good. Looking back, I would say the greatest thing to know through the journey is that God has a plan for the journey, even at those times when it didn't look like it.

That understanding will help us to move in steps with the Holy Spirit. We won't arrive later than expected at places and we won't arrive earlier than necessary. We won't stay when He had moved, we won't move when He is still in the middle of something.

Though we may not know it as at then, but if we work and walk by faith with and in closeness with the Spirit of God, we would unconsciously walk in the centre of His plan as He reveals the mysterious plan God has for us and for each season of our lives. He reveals these things into our heart bearing witness with our conscience per time. 

To whom we yield our lives to obey, to such we are servants, according to scriptures. We are to yield to the quickening of the Holy Spirit, as He puts that sweet subtle pressure on us to drive us to the next phases of our lives. There's is the quickening of our mortal bodies by the indwelling Holy Spirit which we must work and walk with to fulfil divine destiny. When we become tied down and rigid to where God has brought us, it'll become too difficult to move on when He's leaving. The greatest problem to Barnabas and Paul in leaving Antioch would have been their great success in that city, yet that was not even the work to which the Holy Spirit had called them. 

My admonition is that God has a plan for our lives, and He has power and all resources available to bring the plans to pass, and if we yield to the leading of His Spirit, with faith and assurance in that invisible plan, we will eventually fulfill destiny.

You may be going through very serious times now, and uncertainties may becloud your mind, all you need do is surrender to that plan by faith, let your heart be filled with the conviction and the assurance that there is a plan God is working on and that He will bring the changes that will bring clarity.

Trust Him! Yield to Him! Ready to move at His push and to do His own good pleasure as He desires! 

God bless and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you and give you peace in Jesus name! Amen


  1. This is so timely,what I needed to hear at the very moment. I am so blessed. Thank you Reverend.
