Friday, 8 July 2016

Defining Manhood

One of the greatest scriptures about manhood to me is in 1 Corinthians 11:3

[My Offline Bible] 1 Corinthians 11
3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

Of course we know that this speaks of a marriage situation but it also highlights the place of being a man.

Being a man isn't primarily territorial and 'libidorial', these are things in the animal kingdom that brings aggression and man copied that after the fall...

We fight to win bread to keep the herd. We fight to gain the females to expend our libido, we fight to take territories to propagate and perpetuate... That's what animals do...

But we were made in the image of God particularly in the new creation. We transcend the animal life and also the that of the mere man, we live in the realm of our Father God...

We feed on His table...we don't need to fight to win bread...

We share in God's nature, it is self propagating we aren't defined by our libido and our sperm cells...that's not where out manhood come from... Our manhood is not in our penis...

We don't do territorial and we don't strife, Jesus had won us a Kingdom we only fight the fight of faith in the Spirit to maintain it...we don't wrestle with flesh and blood...and our weapons aren't carnal... We aren't natural men but supernatural and spiritual...

So where is our manhood...?

The head of every man is Christ!

We aren't more men than our recognition and submission to the Lordship of Christ and of God.

We aren't more men than our ability to receive instructions of wisdom from Him alone...

We aren't more men than our yieldedness to the leading of the Spirit as He orders our steps and carries us by His winds in the path of righteousness...

We aren't more men than our ability to die to self and be alive unto God and so allowing Christ to manifest His life from within us in grace...

It's only when the head of the man is Christ that the male becomes Man...

It isn't mere macho, proving to be a hard guy, who can't be bullied,  who seems to be able to protect and provide while he is a whimp within...

The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity...

Our women are being deceived by the peacock syndrome in men. They show beautiful colored feathers but are too big to fly...when flight is needed...the feathers are too heavy with paint...

Many discover too late that the beauty that they see attract others also...many others...

But there are beauties within a man that only compatible eyes can see...the beauties of the Lordship of Christ...

The beauties of eternal life that can't be subdued...we are born of God...!

There are muscles within that don't bulge in the arms and chests... The strength of the Spirit of God and the strength of His grace and Omnipotence...

But only the eyes of faith can see... Every other eyes can see the macho body build and the flashy cars...things that perish with the use... But only the eyes of faith can see through into the eternity of the Lordship of Christ...

The head of the man is Christ... How can you be the head of a woman successfully when you have no head in Christ?

When Christ isn't your head how do you love your wife and lead her in the way of success and protection?

Are you a man yet?

Where lies your manhood?

Are you copying the animals where you have to be aggressively violent up to inflicting injury or death on those who love you to take care of your family?

Learn of Christ...who instead laid down His life not having to kill or destroy to maintain His wife... That's a mystery...

We have to die so that Christ can become the head of our homes...

But we learn that in being a man before becoming a husband... Not the other way round...

Good morning...

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