Bringing Leadership Home: Learning to Show Piety at Home
[My Offline Bible] 1 Timothy 5
4 But if any widow have children or nephews, let them learn first to shew piety at home, and to requite their parents: for that is good and acceptable before God.
Bringing leadership home is all about being consistent and living the same principles that built great businesses, ministries and institutions at home also.
1 Timothy 5 is a chapter dedicated to the care of widows. Yes, people have tried to use some part to promote some kind of home finance management system that's not consistent with the central theme of the Bible in regards to the family.
But in essence, the chapter was dedicated to the care of the widows in church except for some earlier few verses.
However, we can still learn one or two things from there on how God intends the home to run, particularly in the area of bringing leadership home.
The passage above shows how children and grandchildren should take care of their widowed parents as a payback in their weakened state and not put them on the church.
It tells us how children should learn to show piety or their godliness at home first by taking care of their widowed parents, he went further to tell them that if they don't then they had lost the faith and are worse than people who do not know God.
Let's bring that home.
Our piety anywhere else therefore can't be more sincere than the piety we show at home. God sets our family as the ground zero of our godliness.
You can't show generosity beyond the care you show at home. You can't be a prayer warrior beyond the effectiveness of your prayer for those at home. You can't be kinder a person then the kindness you display at home. You can't minister to those outside and be accepted when you don't do same to those at home...
The home is not where you dump the mess you have no place to dump outside. The home isn't the place to suffer for how your boss treated you. If you can obey your boss without argument, don't bring that bottled up argument home.
As a minister of God, you leave home for days to go fast and pray for other people without ever doing same for your spouse at home. God said, learn first to show piety at home... You can't win the world to Christ and lose your home to Satan... Start your ministry at home.
Jesus was ministering to His brothers, they were the one who were prodding Him to go to the big feast to show what He carried. John 7.
Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy instructions on how to choose local church leaders in 1 Timothy of the instructions said...
[My Offline Bible] 1 Timothy 3
4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
If we pray and fast for our spouses as we do for others we'll have homes shinning forth as examples of what grace we carry. Let the revival start from home and it'll spread without leaving a back door for the enemy.
So many use their homes as the place to transfer all sorts of aggressions. They make their homes the receiving end of the bad treatment they suffer outside... It shouldn't be.
What behavior that we wouldn't subject people to in society shouldn't be brought home. Whatever good treatment you have the capacity to show to people outside should first be practiced at home.
We know customer is king. And we invest great discipline in giving our patrons and customers the best behaviours and attitudes to keep them. We rate how good we are in relating to our customers in order to keep them coming...
But as soon as we get home, pull off the jacket of work, we threw every caution to the wind. The same wisdom we had used in keeping our customers and work force in peace and harmony is thrown off and another garb of carelessness is put on without thinking that our spouses are our first patrons, the ones we must never lose.
Lots of people will humble themselves to humiliation before their bosses at work and pastors in church but never to their spouses at home. They'll do the unthinkable to strangers to please and satisfy them but never to their spouses. The attention given to church members and customers by pastors and by businessmen will do wonders at home...those you treat that good are spouses of others, if such treatments work in keeping them in church or as customers, then they'll work in keeping them home.
The restaurant owner who painstakingly serves his clients will leave all that skills at work and get home dishing out disrespect and lack of civility to those who loves him beyond temporary satisfaction and wonders why the home is a dreaded place to return to after work. Not thinking that if he had treated those coming to eat at his restaurant same way, the restaurant too would have taken same atmosphere...
People are people everywhere...
The home is where we should first learn to give our best and show the highest quality of civility and character, if we learn it at home it won't just be a facade at work and in church.
The real person is that one at home... That's where our piety or lack of it reveals it's reality...
Bring your goodness home. You shouldn't be able to smile to anyone outside if you couldn't smile to your spouse before leaving home.
You shouldn't be able to help someone on the street if you can't do it at home. And if situation had compelled you to do it, then look forward to an opportunity at home to give same helping hand to your spouse at home.
A bus conductor will help carry a little lady's luggage at work but won't lift a finger to help his wife at home.. That's a shame really..he didn't know if the lady is worse in character than his 'stubborn' wife working her life out at home to make him comfortable...
The cry of the Spirit is that we give the home the fair share of what good we do to others outside... Our godliness is nothing outside if we are yet to learn to show it at home first...
Bring your leadership home...!
Good morning.
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Nice one brother. May God bless you for writing this.