Monday, 14 December 2015

Redefining the Sharing Formula

Redefining the Sharing Formula

Some few days back I wrote on God's Kingdom Finance: Freely Receiving, Freely giving and the reviews have been interesting. To some it sounded as if I was encouraging idleness and dependence. To others it is an unsustainable system, others think it is just not natural.

I believe in work. From the biblical standpoint which I believe as true, work is not a result of the fall of man in the garden but the fall of man dealt a big blow on man's working system and it's outcome. God told Adam what he had caused and its effects on his labor and sustenance. God worked. Six days He worked in creation and had to rest on the seventh. He made man on the sixth because He needed someone to till the ground in order for the seeds created to grow as He water them.

He created man to continue where He had stopped and I believe He equipped Him with the same tools He had used to create the world.
He made man a spirit being like Himself and covered him with a dusty body. Man was not made a body, but a spirit with a body as covering. He was a living soul in the likeness and the image of God. His spirit was the toolbox carrying the
authority and power to do what God did in continuation and maintenance. He was like that until he fell to the trick of the devil, died spiritually, lost his dominion, became flesh and discovered he was naked.

The consequences are that he would now have to use his body and not his spirit as tool to labor. He would now have to eat from his sweat. He would now labour and toil instead of work with the earth not responding as it should, he would do that in suffering, pain, in sickness and disease until he wears out his body which was not cut out for such labor and eventually dies and returns to the dust from where the body was brought ab initio. Genesis 3.

Isn't that the reason why when people invest in their bodies to work, they have to depend on those who invest in their inner systems, their brains and souls to make anything worthwhile happen? And most times earn less than those with more developed minds than bodies?

Now, we realize that the result of labor of man in accessing world's wealth for sustenance would be based on each man's strength and advantages. The result can't be equal to all. It will be the survival of the fittest. It would not be based on inner character but on outward strengths and advantages. So some would eventually take more than their hundreds of generations would ever need while others would have nothing, probably absolute nothing because they aren't strong enough either mentally or physically to struggle to tap from the resources God put there for everyone legally and illegally. And that's why over 80% of the wealth of the world is in the hands and control of less than 20% of its population who still wants more...

Definitely when God created the world in the beginning it wasn't meant to be so. He put all the wealth in there for all who would eventually come. Everyone has his share but not many can access it when it's already being possessed by a stronger one who now rents it back to him with heavy pay. This is the root of all evil...

When God decided to go for a new Kingdom, He has a plan of redemption to take us back from this satanic system which for now we can't do without being jammed together here, to a new Eden, where His will is done and His structure works. I'm sure we'll still work there but not toil. Our bodies won't be the tool, our spirits will be and authority of our words will reign supreme to create change that brings satisfaction.

Work won't be for sustenance it'll be to create change that'll bring satisfaction. Work won't be to make money and the energy to work won't be physical.

But for now what do we do with the depth of iniquity and inequality that we cannot do without in strength and in different privileges and advantages each of us has.

[My Offline Bible] 2 Corinthians 8
13 For I mean not that other men be eased, and ye burdened: 14 But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality: 15 As it is written, He that had gathered much had nothing over; and he that had gathered little had no lack. This is how the kingdom of God in the now would operate to justify the difference it brings. If we continue in the selfish and the greedy system of world's wealth distribution we can't justify our difference and claims of being submissive to the Lord Jesus.

Money belong to someone between mammon, the spirit and 'Caesar', the man and as they sit on the top of the pyramid they share unequally as everyone works for them in a closed world financial system where the runts must die and the strong is even enslaved to work for them, the 'wise' ones... May God give us understanding!

Work is our commitment to pursuing purpose and positive change from the potentials God has given us towards seeing satisfaction. God worked to create positive change and made sure He didn't stop until He saw what He made as good in satisfaction.

Work isn't making money. Work isn't labor. Many are born into the advantage of so much inherited wealth that makes mockery of working for money again...but such privileged people would still have purposes to pursue in life to find satisfaction and meaning and do the reasons why they were created by God and born into the world. It seems our poverty sends us to the labor market and not our pursuits of purpose.

Purposes and pursuits aren't always financially viable. A freelance teacher in the remote areas of African poor countryside wouldn't make any money in comparison with the smallest insurance salesman in an average US city. But the teacher may be pursuing her life's purpose while her salesman twin sister in the US may not even be pursuing God's purpose for her though she makes so much money.

So barring laziness and lack of discretion we remain at different financial strata by default and until we learn compassion and free giving we can't break out of the labor and burdensome system of sustenance the world operates on.

God doesn't need money, God doesn't need our help for His sustenance, people do. When we show compassion in contrast to what the greedy system of the world demands and give to bring equality to bear we break the system and bring God's Kingdom here on earth, we shine the light of heaven on earth and become salt to this tasteless world's system.

Those who follow Christ should justify their following Him by allowing the love shed abroad in their hearts to manifest in giving freely without feeling cheated or trading by expecting something in return from those they did good to.

They should seek equality and not class or caste system which are alien to God's system, they should learn to be unique in our difference instead of conforming to the system of the world in the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life....

Good morning!

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