Tuesday, 18 August 2015

The Kingdom Differences

The Kingdom Differences

To maximise the benefits of the kingdom of God, it's important we identify basic differences that exist between the kingdom of God and the other kingdoms that be. The other kingdoms here include both the kingdoms of this world, secular and religious, and the kingdom of Satan and it's powers.

The kingdom of God runs on spiritual parameters. It isn't a kingdom with a physical space and boundaries but by a spiritual unseen networking that strings together every citizen both in heaven and on earth. It has minimal physical imput and influence. The operations are basically spiritual, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God! 1Corinthians 15:50

But other kingdoms either of men or of spiritual darkness cannot do much without the physical. Meaning things that draw us into the physical are to be careful of if we would enjoy the kingdom of God to the utmost! The kingdom of God runs from the spiritual realm within while other kingdoms are run from the outward!

And the difference continues from there. If the kingdom of God is a spiritual phenomenon, then we have to relate with it by faith. The enormous power and glory of that kingdom cannot be accessed outside of faith. Unlike, here where men depend on walking by the senses exclusively. Natural men cannot receive the things of that kingdom. We would need to step beyond the information our senses offer to that which inspire faith in God and the things of the kingdom.

That means the kingdom of God operates on a source of information different from our senses. The physical kingdoms operate on experiences and experimentations while the kingdom of God runs on revelation. The source isn't from our experiences no matter how robust, or in things we physically test but in the revelations of the Holy Spirit. To enjoy the utmost of the kingdom, we must ride on the wings of revealed knowledge by the Spirit of God. The things concerning us as ordained by God are written on tablet of our hearts and no one knows the things of a man save the spirit of man which is in him. 1Corinthians 2:11

And so the wisdom on which the kingdom of God operates differs from the wisdom the secular, religious and the satanic kingdoms of this word run on. The wisdom that's above is pure, peaceable, gentle, easy to intreat, full of mercy, good fruits without hypocrisy and partiality. But these other kingdoms run on earthly, sensual, cunning and devilish wisdom producing envy, self seeking, confusion and every evil work. James 3:15-17

The lifestyles of the kingdoms are therefore different too. While the kingdoms of this world runs on selfishness, with the ultimate being in self assertion, self aggrandizement, pride, uncontrolled sexual satisfaction, oppression, money worship and conceit of all sorts...the kingdom of God runs on a lifestyle of love, sacrifice, service and self denial. Giving to meet needs so that there'll be equality is the focus of God's kingdom's giving philosophy and not giving as if doing business. Each is equipped with what the other needs and each works to meet the needs of others...and so there's equality through ministry and administration of God's manifold grace! 1Peter 4:10

The kingdoms of this world operates on the system of human inequality, where the weaker serves the stronger almost to worship, but the kingdom of God runs on each serving one another and all serving and worshipping God. The kingdoms of the world run on oppressive hierarchies while the kingdom of God runs on the individual supplying what is demanded of his purpose. Matthew 20:20

The kingdom of God has no room for sin with plenty room for mercy and forgiveness in love, a kingdom where the King Himself empowers the citizens by His Spirit to live righteously in holiness, whereas the kingdoms of this world run with great space for unrighteousness, (with their rulers actively throwing stumbling blocks to trip his subjects) and all sorts of legally acceptable evils but no space for mercy and forgiveness. In the kingdoms of this world, the fairest deal is an eye for an eye...

In the kingdoms of this world, both secular and religious, man rules to satisfy self, same in the kingdom of darkness where Satan rules to satisfy self, but in God's kingdom, God rules to satisfy all....

All these stemming from different laws, different covenants and different natures and internal make up of the citizens: it now depends on individuals to submit to whichever kingdom to experience whatever it offers!

We can check ourselves to know where we are and in which economy we operate...and cut for ourselves the most profitable and reasonable deal...through Christ the Lord and King of the kingdom of God!

Good morning!

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#46 DF Street
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