Monday, 24 February 2014

The Essence of Good!

The Essence of Good!
The perennial thought visited me. It has been a question on many minds and many have wanted it answered, some had tried to answer in many ways. Some feel better ignoring it yet it won't ignore them. What is the essence of being good when those who are not get better? Why should godliness not result in better results than what ungodliness produce? What is the reward of righteousness?
Isn't this the reason many abhor good? If the vile always get away with evil deeds and live a better life growing on the humus of his slains, why go beyond self and out of one's regular way to do good to others? The wicked live long lives and perpetuate their children in their stead. Even when the murderer is caught and punished, his deeds remain undone, lives cut short aren't resurrected except in Christ. It seems as if lots in life aren't about rewards of deeds done in this life. So some who would rather explain this only on the reward premise believe there was a former life and the deeds of today we'll come again to pay for at later a latter life. But that makes my sense ask more questions than the answer proffered. Why should I get punished for a sin I didn't know when I committed? Why should I be here without the consciousness of my former life even if it was what got me the sufferings of today? Pardon my lack of understanding but I can't keep that off my mind. To be fair, I should know what I did wrong in my former life to warrant what I'm going through so that I won't have to repeat same.
I believe what I sow I reap, I believe in consequences but how can I call everything that happens a consequence of some former deed. I'd spoken in consequences and I'm sure this looks like that but hear me out. When 'bad' men live good lives and the oppressors share their loots in mirth its hard for me to call that a reward. If evil men live long lives and enjoy prosperity and great comfort should that be called the reward of their evil labour or a pay for their rapacious lifestyles?
When good men are visited with calamities and pain attends to people of great virtues, we ask why do bad things happen to good people and the question mark refuses to be erased so recalcitrant over the ages.
The wicked laughs and scorns at the good, wondering why he wastes precious time and resources trying to do the impossible. To them evil is ever present with man and no one else will do evil except man.
And that's a good answer. Evil is ever present and the good would have to protect himself by hiding under the wings of God. Each day is full of it's own trouble enough and we can only redeem the lost day from its evil captor.
But what is the essence of doing good when even those who enjoy it still habors the potential of repaying with evil? What would I do with the wicked who won't consider the oppressed and willingly punish the noble yet enjoys the best of this life?
Here is the show of the futility of comparison and judgment. When we judge when we fail to have answers, we judge in ignorance and our weights will be inequal, an abomination to the final arbiter.
I see God as merciful and loving, He can smile on the wicked. Blessed is the man to whom He will not impute iniquity so said David, the king. He smiles and give good as an opportunity to do good. He smiles on the wicked giving him seed to sow and bread to eat till harvest. Every good enjoyed by the wicked is an investment towards his repentance. Isn't it the goodness of God that brings us to repentance that we can't repent of? So the good the wicked enjoys is an extension service from the loving Maker who won't want any to perish but to come to repentance and be saved. So judgment of evil isnt hasty and may look lackadaisical, it is for a reason and those who set their hearts to do evil because of this only risk their own destruction. Every good enjoy is a provision of a good service condition for us to fulfil purpose, it is an investment to help us do good.
So if that answers the question of why good happens to bad men, what is the answer to the suffering of good men? In parturition, we saw how pain and suffering comes with the advent of good things. We can see that the easier it is to survive the harder it is to live. It's one thing to survive, it is another thing to live to the fullest. When surviving requires more strength, the strength developed makes life easier, that's what life needs to develop. So, don't help the butterfly to get out of its cocoon otherwise it won't be able to fly. The pressure it exerts with its head against the hard shell pushes fluid from the head into its placid wings to stretch to both show its beauty and hold high the wings to fly. Hardship makes us strong!
We conquer when we have opposition, we enjoy victory when we win battles, where there are no battles how can there be a chance to win?
When bad things happen and  limitations and constraints sorround, it isn't a time of sighing and despair, it is time to look out for the way of escape. That all things eventually works out for good is a law and the good cannot go without it's rewards though it may be long or else how would God maintain His justice and righteousness? He is not unrighteous to forget your labour of love.
So we must find joy in doing good. The first reward of a good deed done is the good feeling that one was counted worthy to meet a need. The second reward is that the good was ever done. If it wasn't done it is only a shame to those who could do it, who didn't or won't for whatever reason. To see good and not do can't be righteous. No matter how it has become unpopular to go out of one's way to do good, our life's purpose can't be fulfilled without it. You we're born to meet the need you see around you. You are the Samaritan Jesus spoke about and not the priest nor the Pharisee.
Some people's righteous is in their not hurting no one and that's good, love does no harm to his neighbor. But love doesn't stay back playing a defensive game, righteousness isn't complete until we go out there to proactively do what's good to the world and to God. Righteousness isn't about what you didn't do it's more about what you do. And the reward is sure even if the primary beneficiaries repay with evil.
Here is the joy of doing good; that the good is ever done. And if the evil enjoys more than the good, it is to give him the chance to do good. Hope he grabs the opportunity with both hands. Good morning! Share this and keep visiting and most of all, keep doing good, it pays no matter what!

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