The Bandwagon and the Brandwagon
In spiritual matters, just as in anything in life, precision matters. We have to know exactly what we are getting into and to make decisions based on adequate knowledge of subject matters.
To be a Christian for instance many understand the shallow end, good enough to get 'born again'. Many made the commitment by answering an altar call and saying a confession after a preacher. And that's all.
The essence of that is lost as other doctrinal beliefs kick in. Many don't know what it means to be born again according to scriptures, they don't even care enough to check the Scriptures that made reference to being born again, they just took it at the word of the preacher and what's commonly believed among the congregation they belong.
If this is done to the one most important phenomenon in the doctrine of Christ, what would have been done to other issues that affect our daily walk with God?
This is what I call the Bandwagon or the Brandwagon effect in the beliefs of Christian doctrine. It is about what my church, my group or denomination believes. They are not always right no matter how different they may be to others.
No one ever gets everything perfectly right. The scriptures say we know in part and we prophesy in part. We grow in the knowledge of God and we walk with the light we have per time.
Problem comes when we institutionalize what we know at present. We make what we know into a brand and lock it down, cast in iron not ready for any further understanding in the subject matter, sometimes build a denomination on that with a constitution to back it up...and make it illegal, as in something prosecutable to say a word to push forward any further light along those lines.
But Jesus said there were many things He would have taught the disciples which they couldn't receive at the time. We don't always have all the lights all the time. The book of Hebrews 5, tells of so many things the primary recipients needed to know but didn't due to their level of maturity.
We need to realise that the Holy Spirit is the Teacher, and we should be open to His teaching at all times. The Bible too is an open book that anyone can read and understand. We get into the bandwagon system when we allow others do the study of God's word for us without asking the questions that border our hearts.
Those questions are the keys to unlocking the hidden treasures of God's word. We mustn't palliate them, we should rather prayerfully seek God's answers through His Word and His Spirit to unravel hidden mysteries of God without being bound by whatever doctrinal bandwagon that does all to maintain a honor of God and His Word...
Good Morning
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