Sunday, 29 May 2016

The Extension of God's Hand

The Extension of God's Hand

As we go to church today to stand on the pulpit to lead, preach and to pray, sit in the pews to listen and Worship or in the aisle to serve, let us remember that we can't say we love, serve or Worship God who we don't see when we don't love those children of His that we see and Worship together...

We must keep in mind that behind the facade of good looking dresses are empty stomachs, aching hearts and depressed minds in need of answers.

We must remember that God would rather use the resources we have tangible or not tangible to answer someone's prayers and troubles and the person will give God thanks for answered prayers.

We must not forget the situation of the economy not to remember that many are only going to church because they see hope in God and in His people...

If you have silver and gold, remember it's Worship to share and if you have something else use it to be a help to someone today...

It's hypocritical to think everyone should be hardworking and should have faith to turn water to wine or multiply two fishes and five loaves to feed that we may be absolved of any responsibility of caring and sharing with them..

It's foolhardy to think since we have our own needs sharing with others can wait till we have all sufficiency in all things... If we wait we won't ever have the opportunity to be...

But when we do, we become the extension of God. We become His hands. And so He strengthens us and empowers us. He in turn becomes indebted to us because he who cares for the poor lends to the Lord and the Lord will pay back with interest...

But when we shut up own bowels of compassion, and we turn off our sensitivity and become untouched by what is happening around us we show that we haven't shared in the love of God and we aren't partakers yet of  divine nature...

And to those who would do it without humility and love. Who would seek the appreciations of men and would decline when they aren't duly recognised... We must understand that it's only a privilege to be an extension of God in this regards and if we won't do, our not doing won't stop God from doing what He would do...

If we won't Worship as we should, stones can be used to do so in our stead...

We should see these times as the opportunity to reveal the love of Christ to all...

It's time to remind ourselves that The Lord is our Shepherd, it's time to declare that He will meet all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. It's time to remember the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though He was rich yet He became poor so that through His poverty we might become rich...

We should remind ourselves that the young lion do lack and suffer hunger but they that seek the Lord shall not lack anything good...

We should remember no to have anxiety about anything but remember that as we seek first the kingdom of God all the things we need shall be added unto us...

We should remember that the psalmist testified that he had been young and old, he never saw the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread...

We should remember that God opens His hands and satisfies the desires of all living...

We should be bold in declaration and in helping others to remember these things to inspire faith and not unbelief, doubt and fear at such a time as this...

And we shouldn't forget to pray for our nation and leaders...we should declare apolitically the will of God over this nation and the arrest of evil... If we would turn from evil and seek the Lord and pray... He will intervene in mercy and heal our land... The peace of this nation is our peace...

And so be an agent of God and the extension of His hand and grace in Christ today, this week and always...

Happy Sunday and Have a great week...

Don't forget

Sex and marriage stability, the Bible stand
Friday, 3rd June 2016, 10am

@Havila Place
#46 DF Street
Opposite Bobcat Hotel
By D Mama's Pride Supermarket
Mosan Road
Shagari Federal Estate
Iyana Ipaja Lagos

You're invited...refer someone also...

Sunday, 22 May 2016

A Fireman, Not a Victim!

A Fireman, Not a Victim!

This week, let's remember that in all the challenges that may come, that the love of God, His grace, power, wisdom and His Spirit are with us. Let's always remember that they are more that be with us than they that be against us, if God be for us who can be against us and succeed?

Let us never forget that God cares and would want us to cast all our burdens on Him, so that we have no anxiety at all. Let's remember that His presence goes with us and He will never leave nor forsake us. Let's reject despair and fear and whatever the enemy, Satan and his agents may want to offer us...Let's be bold in faith and in confidence... Let's not cast away our confidence and consistency in God... We can resist the enemy and He will flee...

Let's remember that faith pleases God. If we will stand in faith with God by His Word, God will also stand with us with His power and grace...

You aren't defined with God by your weaknesses if you can offer them to God in exchange for His grace. You maybe weak morally, don't let that be your final destination, grace is available to succeed in living in holiness if you will exchange that weakness for God's grace.

You may be weak in your body by reason of sicknesses or diseases, don't see that as the end, if you can offer it at the Cross of Christ for His healing grace, there's healing in Jesus name.

You may be weak financially as your needs become like unsurmountable mountains, that's not a reason to become desperate, depressed, afraid and despondent to the point of developing evil and suicidal tendencies...take it to the Lord at the cross and His grace that made supplies available when He became poor that we might be rich will kick in to open opportunities and supply needs... Who said the impossible can't happen today again, who said water can't come from the rock, who said manna can't still fall if that's all God has to meet your needs... Trust God and don't be afraid...

In our nation today, it all seems as if the economy will crush everyone...and people's characters are changing in the bid to make more money and to conserve more without going less on comfort and so giving may be the quickest thing to be thrown out of the budget...

Child of God there is no better time to give than now. See yourself as a solution to the problem and not a victim of the situation. Victims panic, yet saviors rescue in time of calamity. This is the time to be a fireman. Run towards the fire, fully kitted with the grace of God to save a family. This is the time to be the widow of Sarepath who shared her last meal in faith and secured her future and that of her only son...

There's no better time that this to display what makes the kingdom of God different. Not in mere boasting but in living out the divine nature deposited within us. This is the time to feel what people feel and to make a difference in their lives by being compassionate. It isn't a time to be self defensive...

It is not a time to take advantage of the weak. To evil people, the weak becomes easy targets to plunder at such a time as this. This is the time to prove your strength by giving the weak a hand... It is the time to develop the fireman attitude, to rise as saviors from the mount of Jacob in favor of the most vulnerable...

Firemen are never victims they are ever on duty to make a difference not just because of trainings but because of their hearts of gold...

The child of God has been equipped with a heart of divinity. The newness of the love of Christ that constrains from within. The love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. We are well equipped to display the perfection of our heavenly Father who reaches out to both the good and the evil...and there's no better time than to do that than in such times as this when people are so hard up...

We have been equipped with the power and the wisdom of God in Christ Jesus, He is the wisdom and the power of God, we have the Holy Spirit who leads us to profit and teaches us the way to go...we are battle ready to save somebody with a heart of compassion and unconditional love...

When darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people, we have a promise that then our light will come and the glory of the Lord shall rise upon us and the people shall come into the brightness of our rising... We are lights, let's shine...

Don't talk weakness, don't talk failure, don't talk defeat, we are Firemen we aren't victims...

It's going to be a great week... Go in this thy might, create a miracle and return with testimonies...of how you made a difference in people's lives... As a well equipped fireman... You aren't a victim... You are a savior! Save the day... Good Morning

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

The Bandwagon and The Brandwagon

The Bandwagon and the Brandwagon

In spiritual matters, just as in anything in life, precision matters. We have to know exactly what we are getting into and to make decisions based on adequate knowledge of subject matters.

To be a Christian for instance many understand the shallow end, good enough to get 'born again'. Many made the commitment by answering an altar call and saying a confession after a preacher. And that's all.

The essence of that is lost as other doctrinal beliefs kick in. Many don't know what it means to be born again according to scriptures, they don't even care enough to check the Scriptures that made reference to being born again, they just took it at the word of the preacher and what's commonly believed among the congregation they belong.

If this is done to the one most important phenomenon in the doctrine of Christ, what would have been done to other issues that affect our daily walk with God?

This is what I call the Bandwagon or the Brandwagon effect in the beliefs of Christian doctrine. It is about what my church, my group or denomination believes. They are not always right no matter how different they may be to others.

No one ever gets everything perfectly right. The scriptures say we know in part and we prophesy in part. We grow in the knowledge of God and we walk with the light we have per time.

Problem comes when we institutionalize what we know at present. We make what we know into a brand and lock it down, cast in iron not ready for any further understanding in the subject matter, sometimes build a denomination on that with a constitution to back it up...and make it illegal, as in something prosecutable to say a word to push forward any further light along those lines.

But Jesus said there were many things He would have taught the disciples which they couldn't receive at the time. We don't always have all the lights all the time. The book of Hebrews 5, tells of so many things the primary recipients needed to know but didn't due to their level of maturity.

We need to realise that the Holy Spirit is the Teacher, and we should be open to His teaching at all times. The Bible too is an open book that anyone can read and understand. We get into the bandwagon system when we allow others do the study of God's word for us without asking the questions that border our hearts.

Those questions are the keys to unlocking the hidden treasures of God's word. We mustn't palliate them, we should rather prayerfully seek God's answers through His Word and His Spirit to unravel hidden mysteries of God without being bound by whatever doctrinal bandwagon that does all to maintain a honor of God and His Word...

Good Morning

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

The Teachers must return

My heart was full of passion for the body of Christ as I wrote this, how I wish we read with an open, Christ-centred heart to the very end...

We can't go too far from the Word, rightly divided before getting into all sorts of vain jangling that leads to destruction... The downside of this kind of prophets is that they can't endure sound doctrines and those who can't endure sound doctrines like them fall for them...

In Africa, the myriads of problems, both real and adopted and the way we view them make the average African vulnerable and susceptible to such deceptions.

We don't view temptations or trials as been common to man, we don't trust in God's faithfulness to know that He will not permit a temptation that's more than we can bear, we hardly see any hope that God will make a way of escape...many don't believe in their personal relationship with God, they rate other people's anointing above their personal walk with God and above their closets and heartfelt prayers...we believe until some so and so prophets lead prayers, God won't answer, until some so and so men of God give us prayer points the Holy Spirit can't help our infirmities to know what we should pray for as we ought.

We forget that preachers are sent not so that they can call on our behalf but so that hearing them we can have faith to call by ourselves...since it is a principle that whosoever Shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved...the same God over all is rich unto all who call upon Him...

We then turn our gatherings from a place where we encourage each other from the hardening of sin as we see the day approaching to a consulting arena of a witch doctor (babalawo) running a jamboree...or a festival...

We erode the faith of people from simple prayers of agreement and intercession in love for each other and instead place that faith in some special anointing of a personality without which no one else can pray and have results... In fact, in some places, no one unauthorised can casually pray for or with  another within the premises...
I know whatever overthrows the faith of people is mere or vain jangling or babbling as Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy...
The truth on ground is that many people's faith in fundamental principles of Christ have been overthrown and we are already threading on dangerous grounds...

But who's fault?

There was a time in Israel when there was no true God, no law and no teaching priests... Everyone did as he felt and there was no peace to those going in or going out...

At that time, God didn't die, the law wasn't burnt and there were priests... The problem was that the Priests didn't take the law to teach it so that faith might rise in the heart of people towards the true God...

The difference between the true God and the false gods is the doctrine and the faith that builds out of those teachings. False teachings and superstitions raise faith in false gods, and the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ raises faith in the true God...

Both the true God and the idols of the heart are unseen, the only way to trace which God is being served is to trace whose Word is being preached and taught.

When we have people who have itching ears, who love cunningly devised fables rather than the truth of God's word, who prefer superstitions and weird fairytales to deep spiritual truths, you have a ground ready to receive false gods...

When you have people who won't check again if those things preachers told them were true from God's word, then you have a people ready to receive Jezebel as teacher...

But what alternatives do people have when they see not their teachers? When teachers are far away from them, what can they do than to listen to superstitions and scary tales that gender fear and unbelief?

Teachers, called of God must set themselves free from the bandages where they have been caged, they must unlock the padlocks holding their lips and begin to publish the the truth and the understanding of God's mysteries. Teachers must arise and move to their house tops to reach as many as can still be rescued so that the true God can manifest again amongst His people.

Teachers must dust the law and the principles of the gospel of Christ and raise the banner of God against the prevalent disorder in the doctrinal management of the body of Christ.

Pastors and undershepherds must review their doctrinal bases and locate teachers to teach the truth beyond denominational pet doctrines that has perpetrated unrighteousness amongst us.

People that must preach or teach congregations should be people filled with the grace and the Spirit of the truth, wisdom and revelation. People called to teach must be given open doors to teach and bring understanding of the knowledge of God otherwise we remain groping in pride. Many pulpits are filled with church politics and not with clear cut gifts of the Holy Spirit to teach God's word... No man should take the honour upon himself except those called...

If we do this, I'm sure churches can be saved... And many set free, with lots of mind renewed

Christ must be learned and so must be taught otherwise we follow something else...

[My Offline Bible] 2 Chronicles 15
3 Now for a long season Israel hath been without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law. 4 But when they in their trouble did turn unto the LORD God of Israel, and sought him, he was found of them. 5 And in those times there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the countries.

[My Offline Bible] 2 Timothy 2
15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. 17 And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; 18 Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some. 24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,

[My Offline Bible] Ephesians 4
20 But ye have not so learned Christ;

[My Offline Bible] Colossians 2
6 As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: 7 Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. 8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

[My Offline Bible] Isaiah 30
20 And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers: