Will You Stand?
Revelation 13:16-18, 2 Tim 3:1
Apostle Paul said in 2Timothy 3:1 that in the last days perilous times shall come. The Living Translation of the Bible paraphrased that as saying in the last days it will be difficult to be a Christian.
We shouldn't forget the activities of the Anti-Christ regime which will hinder economic activities of those who won't worship the image of the evil beast or receive the evil mark on their foreheads particularly Christians.
We shouldn't also forget that the spirit of the anti-Christ is already working in the world manifesting in all manners of hatred, persecutions and restrictions to Christians in economic and social terms. 1John 4:3
One wonders why you hardly find any civil society that would stand to defend the rights to practice Christianity and to uphold her beliefs even if they aren't acceptable by all...but almost every civil society particularly in the West live on the sentiments that fight Christians values.
For instance homosexuals seek for a right to be married but a Christian marriage counsellor for instance doesn't have a right not to attend to them based on his beliefs.
It is also an issue in the educational system to put evolution as the cause of existence while creationism and the theory of intelligent design have no right to be heard at all in schools.
Honestly speaking, These worldy stances aren't surprising to me. It is already a perverse and crooked world that has no place for God. The bible clearly speaks of the god of this world who I believe is the devil. 2Corinthians 4:4
What bothers me is if the Christian man or woman would keep being Christian in the real meaning of it in the face of all the hardship reserved for him and her by a world governed by a Satan god.
Will you stand?
The world is drifting to that point where everyone will depend only on what Satan can control. Satan rules this world by the power of money and the economy. And on his final onslaught, the mark of the beast will target the economies of the world to make it segrational against those who won't abide by his rules.
And so the eyes of the Christian is being taken gradually and subtly away from looking on the supernatural to focusing on the physical. Christians are trusting more and more in money than in God. And it's a lure of the devil to get us on a turf where it'll be difficult to resist him at his final onslaught.
Apostle Paul prophesied the falling away of Christians 2Thessalonians 2:3 and I'm sure the falling away will be more in the heart and in our belief system than in the physical. It will be more in our doctrines, values and beliefs than in churches closing down or people publicly denouncing Christianity. And we need to know this to be prepared as not to fall away. Falling away would mean drifting in focus from God to man, from heaven to earth and from real faith to works...
For instance, we speak of heaven on earth but thinking deeply, we should ask if there's anything on earth in this present world that would replace or compare to heaven in it's real sense? Wouldn't the devil prefer we focus on the earth rather than heaven? This is one of those things Christians should be wary of...otherwise we'll seek earthly things and forget the real heaven.
Colossians 3:1 says we should set our affection on things above and not on earthly things...
Yes, Jesus said we should pray God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The question is if God would want to replace the earth with heaven. Of course not, He meant that what God desires for the earth would come to pass as what He desires for heaven comes to pass in heaven...there's the glory of heaven and the glory of the earth and one is greater than the other.
The falling away will be for those who cannot stand the difficulties Satan will throw on the economic activities of Christians. When the fake prosperity message will fail and the real one which depends on the truth of Christ will be the only saving grace to survive, at that time, those who don't have the truth may not be able to stand. Are you prepared?
Then true prosperity won't be measured by the cars you drive and their brands, it won't be by how much money you have either in banks or in your vaults and in how many currencies they are, prosperity in those days won't be by where you live either it's in the silicon valley, Banana islands or Eko Atlantic city, prosperity in those days won't be by the kind of job you do or the connections you have because you won't be able to access any of these without taking the mark...
Then if you have learnt to live by the true faith, happy are you. Then your joy will be full if you understand the true prosperity that fed millions with manna and prevented them from being feeble nor their clothes and shoes wearing out 40 years in the wilderness.
That'll be the day of war and only the strong in faith and in truth will stand... and don't be deceived, those days are here!
Will you stand...?
As at today in Nigeria, only a handful have access to power or fuel and transportation and livelihood costs have skyrocketed and that got me thinking about the spirit of the anti-Christ and its operations and I wonder how many will stand on that day and not compromise their Christian conviction to remain standing and live by faith in Christ and not take the mark...
The mark may not be physical, but a choice to make either to relieve the economic pain that'll be targeted at believers in Christ by bowing to the dictates of satan or refusing to compromise and live by faith... this is technically trending already...
Will you stand?
Good morning!
Join a remnant as we discuss these things and more
The Bible Class, TBC
Non Denominational Bible Discussion Class
This Thursday, 6:00pm
83 Adeniyi Jones Avenue
Opposite Trevo Office
2nd Floor
Ikeja Lagos
Come with friends and be ready to share your thoughts with the house.
I pray God empowers you more and more to prosper truly. I pray He causes His face to shine upon you and give you peace. I pray He eases your pain and heal your hurts, binding up broken heart and restoring hope to you today in Jesus name. Amen