Monday, 9 February 2015

Good Enough

Good Enough

When are we going to be good enough? When are we going to be like Christ and be as perfect as God? 
I'm sure some believe they have already arrived. Many who think of their self righteousness are also those who feel holier than the rest. They are good enough and none is as good as they are.

I have seen people who believe they need nobody, only others need them. I have met people who believe they are the only ones who can be offended, they are too perfect to offend any.

They are the ones who can judge others no one can judge them. They stand and others fall. They are good, others are bad. They can't make mistakes others can. They only are help to others, none helps them.

But in reality there are no such people. The scripture says it is when we see Christ that we shall be like him. It is when we see Him that our mortality will give way to immortality and our corruption will give way to incorruption. The feelings that make us think we have arrived or have become good enough is a trap to keep us from seeing Christ.

The reality is that our imperfections call for divine help and divine help shows also in people offering the good in them for us to get better. When we can't see good in others we don't see God. Only God is good, so said Jesus Christ, so whatever good others do is God doing so through them, inability to see that good is equal to blindness towards God.

The same goes with the good we do to others. It is God in us who does the work and nothing to attribute to self. Attributing the good we do to self is equal to contending with God, and His glory He will not share with no man nor His praise with any graven image.

We will have to keep striving till the day we see Christ. Pressing to be as good as God wants us to be. Forgetting both past good or bad we have done. Striving, not stopping, not looking back, knowing we are yet to know as we ought to, we are yet to speak as we ought to, we are yet to give as we should or love as God expected.

The sense of self perfection stagnates us. The sense that we are doing enough brings decay. The sense that we are at our best cuts off help from reaching us. The sense that we are good enough covers up the decay within and let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. The sense of standing doesn't make us take heed until we have fallen. 

If we enjoy righteousness it isn't because we are so disciplined or determined no to sin. The grace of God helps so that sin won't have dominion over us. Righteousness is a gift, the righteousness we work for, the type we can boast of is that which won't take us anywhere. It's the type that smells like menstrual rags before God! Only that righteousness soaked with Christ's blood can weather the storms of divine judgment and it is the gift of God.

The physician is always around and those who can identify their illnesses are enjoying Him but those who can't feel their pains die silently. He who is whole has no need of the physician. Jesus, the physician has only come for the sick, but who is not sick except the proud who doesn't think so? He is a physician to himself others need him, he needs no one.

Those who enjoy the power of sustaining grace are those who glory in their infirmities, and take pleasure in their reproaches, necessities, persecutions and weaknesses because when they are weak then the power of God falls upon them and they become strong and give the glory to God. They do the good and forget isn't theirs but God's.

We can't give enough to boast about our giving, we can't do good enough to tell the world how much good we have done, we can't be godly enough to broadcast how godly we have been, when we do, we tell the world how ignoble we are and make the grace of God of no value and we become saviors to ourselves and stand to be so judged by God!

Let's learn the lesson that we aren't good enough in ourselves and that we only do as we were moved of God and be grateful sincerely for whatever good God works out of us as we awaits His coming, when we shall see Him as He is and become just like Him, in His likeness and His express image. For now let's be content with our gradual change.

Good morning! Share this with someone if you can. It's not written having any particular setting in focus but for general learning and betterment of all and so is every article from here. Love to all. Visit and leave your comments... Thanks for reading... Good morning!

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