Thursday, 18 September 2014

More Than Meet the Eye

More Than Meet the Eye
I'm being inspired to meditate more and more on the subject of faith these days. Maybe as a fallout from a recently taught bible school class. Where we tried to see the basic process of ministry. And we saw how impossible it is to run a God driven ministry without demanding people's faith to connect to an invisible God. Receiving or giving between man and God are the same to faith. Faith is only a conduit through which communications are executed between man and God. Man must locate God's faithfulness and respond by his faith.
Meanwhile faith can only be a farce. Man has the capacity to believe in the unseen, either real or unreal, the consequence is what separates the two. You can pick up your phone and dial an unexisting phone number, you can even speak, not minding whatever the provider is saying from the other end, but you can't make a report of your conversation. But that hasn't removed the fact that your phone exist and that telephony is real or that people make conversation through that channel every second of the day all over the world. It only that you dialled a non existing number.
Faith is a channel to the unseen meant to create communications between that realm and our perceived realm. It is a conviction of the reality of realms outside of what we perceive by our senses. It is the conviction of thoughts that are ahead and are yet to penetrate the human mind. It is the conviction of the activities of those realms and how they bare on our own perceived realm.
Faith is meant to locate the knowledge of the truth that the senses cannot reach. Some calls it the sixth sense. It is useless with mere imaginations that are only crafted from the residue of the past in our minds. It works with the realities confronted in the realms beyond ours.
Faith is a door to that realm. We can't have access without faith and we can't judge that realm when we haven't been there. You have to have faith in God to have access into Him. Faith built on the truth He had shown us already with whatever He has done here: as the invisible things of His are shown clearly by the visible things He has done here according to apostle Paul.
We can argue all we can but the reality is that man didn't make this world and it is absolute nonsense to say the universe made itself: unbelief can actually make one mad. Unbelief is a deliberate blindfold, a self inflicted delusion out of the misunderstanding of pride that won't let man agree to His ignorance. Yet without a place for faith, you can't even experiment with the unseen realm or research into it. It's a realm ahead and beyond. A realm that gave birth to the seen and yet a future for the seen realm.
The activities of that realm and that of the inhabitants thereof tell on us and that's the more reason why it is pertinent for the inhabitants of our perceived world to be connected and become players in the game of the spirit.
Life is more that meet the eye. Faith is the eye that sees beyond what the eye was made to see. The One who made the eye to see in this realm made faith to be the eye to see Him and to relate with Him.
Ever blessed are those who won't wait for the instrumentality of the senses before believing in the reality of the supernatural. Those who understand the superiority and the value of the spirit realm far and above the realm of vanity and decadence in which we live are men and women of faith who through the experimentation of faith can tell the difference by faith.
Those who have the simple understanding that if one must come to God, such must believe first that He is and that He rewards those who through faith seek Him is an impossible case with any who don't believe beyond what is seen...
The whole truth can't be accessed without the inventory of the unseen realms. There's something out there that hides itself from the five senses, from it came the physical and the discovery of that in truth is the opening of a new world to mankind and only the eye of faith can see even a glimpse of it to explore...believe and be enlightened...! Are you in faith? Good morning!

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