Sunday, 8 November 2015

Thy Kingdom Come 2

Every time a sinner turns to the blood of Jesus in repentance to be washed a major spiritual victory is won. Luke 15:7&10

Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. The blood of bulls and goats can not wash away the sins of mankind since it is written the soul that sins should be the one to die. The wages of sin is death. Lev 17:11, Hebrew 9:22, Psalm 50:13, Hebrews 10:4, Ezekiel 18:4&20, the blood that would wash away the sin of man must be of man, and the blood must be without sin... Jesus, the Lamb of God is the one who takes away the sin of mankind John 1:29&36

Repentance is a prerequisite for being born again. God must first wash away and forget man's iniquity before removing the heart of stone to put the heart of flesh to write his laws upon it and to give man a new spirit carrying His own very nature, a series of process called being born again by the Spirit and the Word of God.. Matthew 4:17, Mark 1:5, Ezekiel 11:19, 36:26, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 8:10. This is the new covenant that ushers in the Kingdom of God and the new order where people obey God and do His will.

This is the message Jesus of Nazareth came to proclaim and ratify by His death and resurrection as the Messiah Christ, and so open the way for man, in reconciliation, to have personal relationship with God as Father who shares His nature with us at New Birth.

This is the gospel good news, this is what Christ made disciples to and this is what we are sent to raise disciples for Him for and not mere building organisations and raising structures not better than perishable edifices which may turn tents of wickedness if the will of God isn't done therein.

This is what the authority and the Power of the Kingdom is for and not for personal aggrandizement. And that authority and power we must explore and engage as the battle of the kingdoms become fiercer daily.

Jesus Christ sent His disciples at different times to go proclaim the Kingdom and every time, He sent them with power Matthew 10:.7:10, The Kingdom of God is in power if it must be established and increased. 1 Corinthians 4:20, Isaiah 9:6&7.

The disciples were empowered to heal the sick, cleanse the leper, raise the dead, cast out demons and to do all that freely.

The power of the Kingdom as prophesied came by the exalting of Christ with all things

Friday, 6 November 2015

Thy Kingdom come

Thy Kingdom Come...!

What was Jesus Christ's message on His mission to the earth? We must always identify with Him on that message otherwise whatever we say or preach in His name may not hold any water.

We must also be clear on the mandate so that we would not work, walk or war in vain.

Jesus came to declare the Kingdom of God, a new citizenship for whosoever desires it and to demonstrate the power of that kingdom.

Satan took Jesus to a very high mountain and in a moment showed Him the kingdoms of the world and the glory thereof and asked that He falls down and worship him in exchange for the kingdoms of the world and the glory Matthew 4. Meaning, we live in a world ruled by Satan with the aim of killing, stealing and destroying and sponsoring evil in every form. John 10:10, 2 Corinthians 4:4

Jesus didn't bow and wasn't given the kingdom of this world, rather went about preaching and teaching the good news of the kingdom where God rules, its advent, its coming separation and its principles. Reading through the gospels and the parables, its clear enough to see.

When He taught us through His apostles to pray, He told them we should pray that God's Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I see that as a declaration of war on the Kingdom of the world and its glory. Or how do you explain calling for another kingdom to come where one is already existing?

He said the Law of Moses and the prophets where until John, the Baptist but since then the Kingdom of God is preached and people are applying pressure to enter in, and it suffers violence and the violent take it by force. Matthew 11:12, Luke 16:16

He declared that if He in demonstration cast out devils by the finger or the Spirit of God then the Kingdom of God has come unto us, He declared that the kingdom of God is within us. He declared that it is the Father's pleasure to give us the Kingdom. Luke 11:20, Matthew 12:28, Luke 17:21, Luke 12:32.

And to see and to enter the Kingdom, a person would need to be born again by the Spirit and by the Word of God. With a new spirit and a heart of flesh as against the stony heart, to accommodate the law and the Spirit of God within.

An operation done in the spirit as one believes and submits to the King and to the Kingdom.

Everyone who passionately desires the will of God to be done in his or her life and in his or her world is a seeker of the Kingdom and to such the power of the new Kingdom is given to do the will of God: this power is called the grace of God, The demonstration of God's omnipotence and authority in the impotence and the powerlessness of man to do or actualize God's will on the earth...

If God wills it He will power it, If His will must be done and if His Kingdom must increase and be established... Isaiah 9:6&7

We shall explore that later...

Seek the Kingdom and His righteousness...

Good morning, Happy weekend!

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Overcoming the World's Economic Adversity

Overcoming the World’s Economic Adversity

What is the provision God made for the present economic depression in the world for His children?
That was the point of discussion at The Bible Class, TBC yesterday as we started a series on True Divine Prosperity.

First we will need to understand the present economic depression to adequately find the solution God has given.
Since 2010, when the so called bubble burst, the world has been trying to recover and it is doubtful if the recovery will be possible before the return of Christ.
This is because the depression itself is part of the events that will happen at this end time due to the conflict between the spiritual kingdoms and powers, with the earth being the battle grounds and at the receiving end.

The sequential troublesome happenings of the end time is documented in revelation chapter six. And it is obvious that at a time it will take the form of financial hardship that will make food scarce but pleasures cheap.
In Revelation 6:5&6, opening the third seal, the black horse emerged with the one on it holding a pair of balances and food became expensive but wine and oil were left unhurt.
In verse 9, the fifth seal was open to reveal those who died as a result of the persecutions that will come.

The interpretation is simple, the economic downturn will soon take the form of Christian persecution, whereby those who hold the word of God will be at the receiving end of the economic problems.
The mark of the beast for instance, in Revelation 13:16-18, will deprive those who wouldn’t receive it the chance of buying and selling; those Christians who refuse to receive the mark or worship the beast will suffer the inability to access the economy and the amenities provided by the system if they escape beheading. Re 14:9&10; 19:20; 20:4

We are sure that a falling away is coming. And this will be as a result of the hardship at one end, the pleasure that will almost be free in the world and doctrinal manipulation of Christians. The hardship will push away from Christ while the pleasures in the world will pull away with the doctrinal manipulations bringing confusion and unbelief in God’s word.

In 1Timothy 4:1&2, apostle Paul prophesied of the falling away; some will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing and lying spirits and doctrines of demons resulting in seared consciences as with hot iron.

The prophesy came again to the Thessalonians, in 2Thessalonians 2:3&4, saying the day of Christ won’t come except there be a falling away first and the revelation of the man of sin, who opposes all that is called God, sitting in the temple of God and showing himself as God. That opposition of God is taken out on those who hold on to God’s word. This man is the antichrist whose spirit is already in the world.

2Timothy 3:1-4 shows the same prophesy concerning the end time, where amongst so many other evil traits, men will be lovers of themselves and lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. He called that period, perilous times.

Apostle Peter in 2Peter 3, prophesied concerning the coming of scoffers in the end time, asking for the proof of the promise of Christ’s return in verses 3&4. As at today, the scoffers are already here as prophesied but they will show up soon in the church with wrong interpretations of scriptures backed up by new translations of the Bible created to deliberately blur or blot out the truth of Christ.

With the pains, the pleasures and the distortions of scriptures and prophecies, those who aren’t properly prepared will hardly stand.

But what can we do and what is God’s provision for us?

What we have to do is to return to our strongholds which we have left for a while. The supernatural is our home and our strength. On that platform Satan has no legal rights or authority over us. And even in the thick of the persecutions of the antichrist, the supernatural provisions for the believer provided by the love of God, sustained by the faithfulness of God, accessed by faith and actualized by the power of God will remain as strong as ever.

We have the prophecy also that in the same last days there will be the outpouring of the Spirit of God, with supernatural outpouring and demonstration of the power of God. While we may not be able to access a lot that the world will provide in the technological advancement that will characterize the end time as knowledge will increase, yet the knowledge of God too will cover the earth as the waters covers the sea and faith in that knowledge will produce cheap miracles.

This is the way to go. That is how to connect with the provisions of God for us. Our faith in the power of God, in the finished work of Christ for our redemption and the riches of grace in Christ are sufficient and are more than enough to handle whatever the world throws at us and we need to revisit these provisions and learn how to tap into them. TBC is set to do that these next few Wednesdays.

The problem today is our dependence on the provisions of the kingdom of the world as we neglect the provisions of the kingdom of God. Children of God today would prefer any alternative to walking by faith and walking in obedience to the word of God. And the world has plenty alternatives to what the Kingdom of God offers. We are in a situation where the minister prays for people to be healed in church even when he doesn’t believe or ever depends on God’s word for his healing. We are in a situation where the minister preaches giving and faith in divine prosperity, while he cannot believe God for his own supplies except through gimmicks and making merchandise of God’s people. We are in a world of alternatives where we are dependent on worldly wisdom for our survival not knowing that we are only resting strongly on an untrustworthy system.

This is the time for us to start preparing by brushing up our faith in God for our sustenance in the face of the present economic hardship and so build up ourselves in our most holy faith so that we will not be at the mercy of anyone or any system that will fail or would not be accessible in the day of trouble.

Good day to you!