Friday, 30 May 2014

Positive Anger!

Positive Anger! Passion and creativity works together. Inspiration hardly flows outside either anger or joy. Passiveness brings sleep and idles the hands. When the mind isn't challenged, it goes to sleep and drools. When an issue angers you, the sea in the mind rumbles: when mountains rise the bulldozers of the heart roars, man is weak against aggression, he can hardly self-control when provoked, aggression provokes aggression, the pituitary takes no command to pump adrenaline in the face of threat. When I have no sense of fear, I am at rest, prosperity then can be the enemy of greater progress, solutions only respond to problems. Being in agony Jesus prayed more earnestly and man finds it hard to pray until he perceives the need. So problems are motivators, agent of pro-activeness. The mind will wait endlessly till it finds a question to answer. External aggression can be of help, and when it comes it teaches the skill of maintenance and management of status quo. Without them we lose grounds to the enemy and even to friends sometimes without them lifting a finger. But external problems aren't always enough to add new frontiers and set new paces. It takes internal dissatisfaction to move forward. When the body yearns for water, being necessary and inevitable, it searches through speculations until water is found. When a problem explodes within, threatening existence it's time to expand conquered boundaries and move forward. It sometimes looks as if competition brings the best out of us, but not necessarily competing with another but with the possibilities within. When a man discovers what is possible it becomes a problem to the mind, and what is achievable becomes a necessity, from there onwards, he can't live without it. When I get angry by what is possible but not yet, the pituitary lobes respond by pushing adrenaline into my blood stream, to some and sometimes the muscles are triggered to move, but to others the heart pumps the blood to the brain to device a means and wisdom to tackle the trouble. And it never fails. And when it fails, the mind engages the spirit and taps from the omniscient wisdom of the Spirit. It never ever fails. So what angers you? Nothing? Then let what is possible but not yet trigger your angst maybe it can motivate your productivity and performance. One possibility I know is your betterment in what you are called to do. Let that push you into greater performance. Anger management is crucial. I must get tired of getting angry over mundane things and channel my annoyance towards being all I can be. Why should I be angry against another person for what such have said? Rather I'll let my anger push me into better performance. I'll react by dealing with my idleness. Nothing moves until it is moved. The fire in the engine moves it. The fire within us moves us. But does the fire dictate the direction? But our motives and desires channel a course for our passion. Let then the passion be for productivity and not for vanity and the direction of anger be for betterment. Let not your anger lead you to sin, when it can build up why let it destroy? So I lead my anger from now and I won't let it lead. Anger and passion can be good followers but their leadership skill is very much in doubt. They are hot but blind and whenever they lead it is into an accident mostly fatal. I can be provoked into love and love edifies. I can be provoked into doing good and what's better than that. When you have mapped out the source of your provocations you can clearly see what you are wired to change. The purpose of a man may be hidden in his anger. When next you are angry ask yourself why and you won't be far from fulfilling reason. What change can my anger provoke? What length can my passion make me go on the path of righteousness? When I have the answer, then I know where I'm heading. When leadership angers you, inside you is locked up leadership solutions...dig them out and raise better leaders. If poverty angers you, inside of you is laid treasures that would make many them out. If sufferings anger you, inside of you lies wisdom to bring succor to many. If illiteracy angers you, somewhere in you is the way to bring learning to many. If hunger angers you...I am sure silos are within you to feed the world. So I realize that anger is the treasure within expressing its frustration for lack of exposure. Trace back your anger and you'll find a treasure. Anger is for change, positive change and that's why God left the anger thing in us and we shouldn't abuse it. Anger is for creativity, creativity is change. Let your passion change you status quo, use anger to power your purpose. Use it well and you'll never feel bad again by your anger! Let this make sense and share. Keep visiting and leave a sign that you came. Good morning!

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

To the Pure!

To the pure!
My thinking is filled with matters and issues bubble up on my mind like boiling viscous mud. I think of the perspectives of men. How we see things. I have heard of the half filled and the half empty cup. It is half filled to one and half empty to another. I read about a country that once was and the particular author who expressed his dilemma in interpreting the logo of the country, was it a rising sun or a setting sun? They both are alike except you were there when and where the picture was taken. But in a picture it's all about the way you see it. Setting sun or rising sun both are same and right when seen from a picture and its interpreted depending on the state of the mind.
The mind process the information the senses bring but never so sincerely, rather it sieves each through preconceptions of past experiences for interpretation. If my mind is pure, even impure things don't look so bad, and if I'm impure, nothing makes good things worse.
So I watch against things that defile. Once I'm contaminated the little leaven leavens the whole lump and the speck in my eyes becloud any other thing in my sight.
Once defiled with failure no idea can work around me, all I see is why it won't work. When defiled with insecurity everyone becomes an enemy and the accolades of true friends become dirge of hypocrisy and only sycophants works their way in. After all the most difficult to wake are either the dead or the pretender, the sincere wakes up as called.  When a mind is defiled by poverty, nothing is ever enough and one would hardly take notice of being stingy. When sin defiles the mind even the most righteous act can bring condemnation; its all about the rising or the setting sun.
So when I see white I must make sure I'm truly seeing white. When I hear a compliment it is better I read no meaning beyond someone's appreciation. When I see evil I should give positive benefit of the doubt. What good is it if I see everyone in a bad light and every comment as being against me? What good is in my seeing error in everything everyone does? Why should I see failure and problems instead of solutions and success? I want to see the sun rising even if it's setting because it'll rise again tomorrow.  I want to see life in the dead because of the reality of resurrection. I want to see good in what everyone does since good supersede evil and all things eventually work out for my good. So I see good in the evil I have no power or authority to change. My faith changes things. I want to be the pure to whom all things are pure and not the defiled to whom nothing is pure. I keep my heart with all diligence, close my eyes to the evil and my ears to the sneers, the scorns and the insults and  listen only to the opinions of my Maker of me, of the people, the places and the events around me. What man judges aright? Except One who knows all things and all hearts before whom we either stand or fall? So I laugh at the judge and take conclusions with a pinch of salt and in good faith, since he's not God his error isn't out of place. But I keep my heart in sincerity and simplicity almost to naivety. I refuse to deceive myself with any sense of personal wisdom, staying at the learning post is best for me. I let the winds and the wings of God carry me to where He deems fit. I've told Him I'm all His and so to me I see all things pure and I try to respond to each as it's creator would...I only try while still being human. Try it!
Good morning, share this and visit again and let's know you came. To the pure all things are pure....